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Mathematical Functions, Constants, Evaluations (with Sympy) #30

Open phcreery opened 3 years ago

phcreery commented 3 years ago

This is an attempt to document and create a running list all the desired mathematical Functions, Constants, and Evaluations. This issue is aimed at Sympy but the list should be compatible with or easily inclusive to competitive CASs.


MathJSON MathJSON -> Sympy Sympy -> MathJSON
MathJSON name Sympy function name Sympy printer function/name
(checked if fully tested) (checked if implemented) (checked if implemented)
☒ Parentheses ☒   ☒  
☒ Add ☒ Sympy.Add ☒ _print_Add
☒ Subtract ☒ Sympy.Add(x,sympy.mul(y,-1)) ☒  
☐ Negate (*-1) ☒  
☒ Multiply ☒ Sympy.Mul ☒  
☒ (Divide) ☒  
☒ Power ☒ Sympy.Pow ☒  
☐ Root ☒ sympy.root  ☐  
☐ Sqrt * ☒ Sympy.sqrt ☒ Sqrt (capital s?)
☐ Square ☐   ☐  
☐ Exp * ☐   ☐ exp
☐   ☐   ☐  
☐ Log * ☐   ☒ ln
☐ Log2 * ☐   ☒ log2
☐ Log10 * ☐   ☒ log10
☐ LogOnePlus ☐   ☒ log1p
☐ Abs * ☒ Sympy.Abs ☐  
☐ Ceil * ☐   ☒ ceiling
☐ Chop ☐   ☐  
☐ Floor * ☐   ☒ floor
☐ Round ☐   ☐  
☐ Factorial ☒ sympy.factorial ☒ factorial
☐   ☐  
☒ Sin ☒ sympy.sin ☒ sin
☒ Cos ☒ sympy.cos ☒ cos
☒ Tan (defaults to tg?) ☒ sympy.tan ☒ tan
☐ Sec ☒ sympy.sec ☒ sec
☐ Csc ☒ ☒ csc 
☐ Cot ☒ sympy.cot ☒ cot 
☒ Arcsin** ☒ Sympy.asin ☒ asin
☒ Arccos** ☒ Sympy.acos ☒ acos
☒ Arctan** ☒ Sympy.atan ☒ atan
☒ Arctan2** ☒ sympy.atan2 ☒ atan2
☐ Asec** ☒ Sympy.asec ☒ asec
☐ Acsc** ☒ Sympy.acsc ☒ acsc
☐ Acot** ☒ Sympy.acot ☒ acot
☒ Sinh ☒ Sympy.sinh ☒ sinh
☒ Cosh ☒ Sympy.cosh ☒ cosh
☒ Tanh ☒ Sympy.tanh ☒ tanh
☐ Sech** ☒ Sympy.sech ☒ sech 
☐ Csch** ☒ Sympy.csch ☒ csch 
☐ Coth** ☒ Sympy.coth ☒ coth 
☒ Arsinh** ☒ Sympy.asinh ☒ asinh
☒ Arcosh** ☒ Sympy.acosh ☒ acosh
☒ Artanh** ☒ Sympy.atanh ☒ atanh
☐ Asech** ☒ Sympy.asech ☒ asech 
☐ Acsch** ☒ Sympy.acsch ☒ acsch 
☐ Arcoth** ☒ Sympy.acoth ☒ acoth 
☐ Degrees ☐   ☐  
☐ FromPolarCoordinates ☐   ☐  
☐ ToPolarCoordinates ☐   ☐  
☐ Hypot ** ☐  
☐ Haversine ☐   ☐  
☐ InverseHaversine ☐   ☐  
☐   ☐   ☐  
☐ Integrate * ☐   ☐ _print_Integral
☐ Derivative/Prime (D, ') * ☐   ☐ _print_Derivative 
☐ (Partial Derivative) ☐  
☐ (Limit - lim(f,x,a)?) ☐   ☐ _print_Limit
☐ (SumSeries) ☐   ☐ _print_Sum 
☐ (Product of Sequence- CapitalPi) ☐   ☐  
☐   ☐   ☐  
Linear Algebra
☐ (System of Equations)  ☐   ☐  
☐ (EigenValues)  ☐   ☐  
☐ (EigenVectors)  ☐   ☐  
☐ (Matricies)  ☐   ☐  
☐ (Vectors)  ☐   ☐  
Matrix Operations
☐ (Matrix Define)  ☐   ☐  
☐ (Addition)  ☐   ☐  
☐ (Multiplication)  ☐   ☐ _print_MatMul ? 
☐ (Transpose)  ☐   ☐ _print_Transpose 
☐ (Multiplication)  ☐   ☐  
☐ (Power)  ☐   ☐ _print_MatPow ? 
☐ (Normal)  ☐   ☐  
☐ True**  ☐  ☐ _print_BooleanTrue 
☐ False** ☐  ☐  _print_BooleanFalse
☐ Maybe** ☐  ☐   
☐ And ☐  ☐  _print_And
☐ Or ☐  ☐ _print_Or
☐ (Xor) ☐  ☐ _print_Xor
☐ Not ☐  ☐  _print_Not
☐ Equivalent (\equiv) ☐  ☐   
☐ Implies ☐  ☐   
☐ Equal (taken) ☐  ☐   
☐ NotEqual ☐  ☐   
☐ GreaterEqual ☐ sympy.GreaterThan ☐   
☐ LessEqual ☐ sympy.LessThan ☐   
☐ Greater ☐ sympy.GreaterThanStrict ☐   
☐ Less  ☐ sympy.LessThanStrict ☐   
☐   ☐  ☐   
☐ Gamma ☒ sympy.gamma ☒ gamma
☐ LogGamma ☒ sympy.loggamma ☒ loggamma
☐ Erf ☒ sympy.erf ☒ erf
☐ Erfc ☒ sympy.erfc ☒ erfc
☐ EulerGamma ☒ Sympy.EulerGamma ☒ _print_EulerGamma
☐   ☐  ☐   
☐ List   ☐  ☐ _print_list  
☐ Set ☐  ☐  _print_set
☐ Lambda  ☐ sympy.Lambda ☐ _print_Lambda
☐ InverseFunction  ☐  ☐  _print_Inverse ?
☐ Parse (Latex)  ☐  ☐ 
☐ String  ☐  ☐ 
☐  ☐  ☐ 
☐  ☐  ☐ 

* MathLive broken at the moment? Usually happens when the expression is converted to latex then parsed back. ** MathLive Unsupported


MathJSON MathJSON -> Sympy Sympy -> MathJSON
☒ Pi ☒ Sympy.pi ☒ _print_Pi
☒ ImaginaryUnit (\imaginaryI) ☒ Sympy.I ☒ _print_ImaginaryUnit
☒ ExponentialE (\exponentialE) ☒ Sympy.E  ☒ _print_Exp1
☐ GoldenRatio ☒ Sympy.GoldenRatio ☒ _print_GoldenRatio
☐ (Infinity)   ☐  ☐  _print_Infinity
☐ (-Infinity)   ☐  ☐  _print_NegativeInfinity
☐   ☐  ☐  _print_TribonacciConstant
☐ (NaN)   ☐  ☐  _print_NaN
☐   ☐  ☐   


Some examples:

This list is nowhere near complete. Please comment with more expressions you wish to see supported

stefnotch commented 3 years ago

One place which has quite a few interesting functions are the default compute-engine dictionaries. I suppose we can take some from there as well. e.g.

stefnotch commented 3 years ago

rewrite ?

Lets leave rewriting for a future issue/pull request. I got some ideas that go well above and beyond the scope of this.

stefnotch commented 3 years ago

Regarding Root, Sympy has a root function. I updated the code on the math-expansion branch

stefnotch commented 3 years ago

Infinity would be another constant that we'll have to support at some point