stefpeschel / NetCoMi

Network construction, analysis, and comparison for microbial compositional data
GNU General Public License v3.0
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output format for Gephi visualization #106

Closed ladywaspzhu closed 5 months ago

ladywaspzhu commented 7 months ago

Hi Stephanie,

Thanks for your great package; it is very useful to me and easy to understand and use. However, i want to know whether i can get the Gephi format output so i can put it in Gephi, or if there is no direct format, which output i can use to make my own gephi-like format file?

Thanks again


stefpeschel commented 6 months ago

Hi Jiachen, A little late, but hopefully still useful.... I added an example of how to export the network to Gephi to the readme.

ladywaspzhu commented 6 months ago

Hi Stephanie, Thank you so much. That is very helpful.