stefpeschel / NetCoMi

Network construction, analysis, and comparison for microbial compositional data
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Comparing more than two groups of samples in NetCoMi #127

Open fredoowarren opened 2 months ago

fredoowarren commented 2 months ago


Thanks for the great package. I have a question- the option to generate two networks with the unified layout is really useful, but it is limited when comparing network structure accross multiple timepoints. Is there a way to generate multiple networks with a unified layout with the package? I have given an example fo my code for a network comapring two timepoint, g1 and g2, below.

net_p <- netConstruct(g1, g2, taxRank = "Genus", filtTax = "highestVar", filtTaxPar = list(highestVar = 300), zeroMethod = "pseudo", normMethod = "clr", measure = "pearson", verbose = 0, seed = 123456)

net1 <- netAnalyze(net_p, clustMethod = "cluster_fast_greedy")

nclust <- as.numeric(max(names(table(netprops1$clustering$clust1))))

col <- c(topo.colors(nclust), rainbow(6))

plot(net1, sameLayout = TRUE, layoutGroup = "union", colorVec = col, borderCol = "gray40", nodeSize = "degree", cexNodes = 0.9, cexLabels = 0.6, labelScale = FALSE, nodeSizeSpread = 3, edgeTranspLow = 80, edgeTranspHigh = 50, groupNames = c("Baseline", "240 min"), showTitle = TRUE, cexTitle = 2.8, mar = c(1,1,3,1), repulsion = 0.9, labels = TRUE, rmSingles = "inboth", nodeFilter = "clustMin", nodeFilterPar = 10, nodeTransp = 50, hubTransp = 30)

