stefpeschel / NetCoMi

Network construction, analysis, and comparison for microbial compositional data
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Compare two conditions in one network #86

Closed linux51 closed 1 year ago

linux51 commented 1 year ago

Good morning, Thank you for the good package. I have phyloseq object of control and disease group. I did try separate control group and disease group then construct the network. But i would like to see the dynamic changes from control to disease in one network. Would you please provide me some guideline?

stefpeschel commented 1 year ago

Hey, you can follow this tutorial on cross-domain networks and use your disease and control data sets instead of the two domains. The tutorial explains, how two cross-domain networks are compared. Since you want to construct a single network, you can skip the step where the data is split into two groups. Best regards, Stefanie

linux51 commented 1 year ago

Thank you