steinbergmedia / vst3sdk

VST 3 Plug-In SDK
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MacOS install commands are incorrect #58

Closed kmturley closed 3 years ago

kmturley commented 4 years ago

1) Incorrect folder command

Following the steps from the

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -GXcode ../vst3sdk
CMake Error: The source directory "/Sites/vst3sdk/vst3sdk" does not exist.
Specify --help for usage, or press the help button on the CMake GUI.

If you adjust the last command to: cmake -GXcode ../

Then it works correctly!

Even better the command could be simplified to create the build folder automatically from the root:

cmake \
  -G "Xcode" \
  -S ./vst3sdk \
  -B ./build
cmake --build ./build --config Debug

2) Check correct dependency versions

It might also be worth including checking the version of cmake and xcode before installation:

cmake -version
xcodebuild -version

3) Clarify location of copy_vst2_to_vst3_sdk script

This script does not exist in the GitHub repository. And your mentions:

The VST2 SDK is not part anymore of the VST3 SDK, you have to use an older version of the SDK and copy the VST2_SDK folder into the VST_SDK folder. In order to build a VST2 version of the Plug-in and a VST3 at the same time, you need to copy the VST2 folder into the VST3 folder, simply run the following commands:

But it doesn't mention where to obtain the VST2 files and script. After some digging I found them at:

This is not a great solution though as it requires going to the site, and manually downloading a .zip file to get the required files.

Could you add the vst2sdk to github? e.g. make a repo here?

Then plugin developers could add it as a git submodule .gitmodules file

[submodule "vst2sdk"]
  path = vst2sdk
  url =
[submodule "vst3sdk"]
  path = vst3sdk
  url =

This would allow automation of plugin development and builds!

scheffle commented 3 years ago

Hi, thanks for the comments. We will adopt the documentation to make it more clear that "vst3sdk" is meant as a placeholder for the location where the sdk was checked out or downloaded to.