steinbergmedia / vst3sdk

VST 3 Plug-In SDK
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Build hosting example audiohost on Windows 10 #87

Open oshindow opened 2 years ago

oshindow commented 2 years ago

Hello, I tried to build the hosting example audiohost under VST3 SDK that relied on JACK server on Windows 10.

The JACK version I used is 1.9.19 (jack2-win64-v1.9.19.exe) full installation (with JACK-Router). Open the QjackCtl that comes with it, clicked on the start, then the jack service was started.

Before compling the audiohost, I modified the CmakeLists .txt of it like this so that the source code can also be compiled on the windows system:

# Enable Sample audioHost (based on Jack Audio)
     option(SMTG_ENABLE_USE_OF_JACK "Enable Use of Jack" ON)
     # not yet tested on Windows and Mac
     option(SMTG_ENABLE_USE_OF_JACK "Enable Use of Jack" ON)

The compiling process was fine, but errors were reported during the execution

Cannot open VST 3 HOST client
JackShmReadWritePtr1::~JackShmReadWritePtr1 - Init not done for -1, skipping unlock
JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for -1, skipping unlock
JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for -1, skipping unlock
jack_set_process_callback called with a NULL client
jack_get_ports called with a NULL client
Press <enter> to continue . . .
jack_deactivate called with a NULL client
jack_client_close called with a NULL client

Does this problem comes from jack or from audiohost ?

RinoReyns commented 2 years ago

Hi, if you still need to build "audiohost", as private repo, just for fun, I prepared minimal setup which allows to build cmd line "audiohost " to process wave file with delay plugin from examples. It is still WIP and it can't do much, but for me it is a very good starting point to play with VST Hosts. Samples from SDK were way to hard to use for me. I also had problem with jack. My code has cmake and it would be pretty easy to change wave reader to some kind of end point reader. If it can be useful for you let me know and we will what we can do. ;)

oshindow commented 2 years ago

@RinoReyns Thank you very much, but as I am currently doing some other work, the work on audiohost is on hold. Can I contact you afterwards?

RinoReyns commented 2 years ago

sure, no problem. Ping me when you will be ready ;)