usage: foldseek createdb <i:PDB|mmCIF[.gz]> ... <i:PDB|mmCIF[.gz]> <o:sequenceDB> [options]
By Martin Steinegger <>
options: common:
--threads INT Number of CPU-cores used (all by default) [4]
-v INT Verbosity level: 0: quiet, 1: +errors, 2: +warnings, 3: +info [3]
Convert PDB/mmCIF files to an db.
- Steinegger M, Soding J: MMseqs2 enables sensitive protein sequence searching for the analysis of massive data sets. Nature Biotechnology, 35(11), 1026-1028 (2017)
Unrecognized parameter "--dbtype". Did you mean "--threads" (Threads)?
Looks like perhaps foldseek easy-cluster is trying to run foldseek createdb with an outdated option.
Expected Behavior
Cluster structures in a given database made using foldseek createdb.
Current Behavior
When running easy-cluster on a very small set of 10 PDB structures, running the following command
results in this error message:
Looks like perhaps foldseek easy-cluster is trying to run foldseek createdb with an outdated option.
I used the precompiled binary for osx from
foldseek-osx-universal.tar.gz 09-Jul-2021 07:55 6998109
foldseek Version: 75bb2e3a2718903f47008d7d8cc3be099e35d1e9
Operating system version: macOS Catalina 10.15.7