steipete / SDURLCache

URLCache subclass with on-disk cache support on iPhone/iPad. Forked for speed!
MIT License
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add SDURLCache to Cocoapods #17

Open PradeshKumar opened 11 years ago

PradeshKumar commented 11 years ago


Can u please add ur git repo to Cocoapods spec? so, that we can able use ur SDURLCache.


Use the spec in root of a git repo:

pod 'SDURLCache', :git => '', :commit => '42ad9c79edcc5c863cf3fe02c585f92e45255441'

stanislaw commented 11 years ago

+1 on this. This fork should be somehow differentiated from the original one that is already there:

$ pod list | grep SDURL
--> SDURLCache (1.2)
    - Homepage:
    - Source:
steipete commented 11 years ago

I'm not sure what the best solution for this might be. Renaming the project?

stanislaw commented 11 years ago

I see two possible solutions:

1) Rename the project. 2) Just alternate the spec title like SDURLCache (faster fork) or similar. It is faster, right? ;)

steipete commented 11 years ago

I might go for PSURLCache - I do believe it's faster, but haven't actually done any benchmarks on it, so I don't wanna make claims.

stanislaw commented 11 years ago

Sounds good. So are you actually going to do this?

stanislaw commented 11 years ago

Just a little advice on managing Pod spec:

Use Github Tags to tag every new version you release - it is much more convenient way of managing a spec instead of using long commit codes like

s.source = { :git => "", :tag => "2.1.0" }

instead of

s.source = { :git => '', :commit => 'fea526dee3e6e00548f280b56d4afab049733ef8'}


hankbao commented 11 years ago

Hey, @steipete. Do you still get a plan to make your fork formally available through CocoaPods?

paulshapiro commented 11 years ago

+1. A podspec would be fantastic. I think you should go for the rename. But maybe I'm biased cause my initials are also PS.

Just kidding about the bias, I think it's a good idea to differentiate them clearly, but perhaps keep a clear mention of SDURLCache in the readme.

delebedev commented 11 years ago

Any chance to get podspec for this repo?