steirico / kirby-plugin-custom-add-fields

Custom fields for Kirby's add dialog.
MIT License
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Empty dialogue box when `kirby3-security-headers` are installed #37

Closed S1SYPHOS closed 2 years ago

S1SYPHOS commented 3 years ago

Hey there, great plugin, would be really helpful, but I can't get it to work as expected :frowning:

I'm using Kirby v3.4.4, this is my setup:

# site/blueprints/pages/my.blueprint.yml

  de: Lesetipp
  en: Reading tip

      de: Titel
      en: Title
    icon: title
    type: text
    required: true

    label: ISBN
    type: text


As you can see, the dialog box is empty.

Also, is it possible to append fields instead of replacing title and slug? That would be great ..

Cheers, S1SYPHOS

steirico commented 3 years ago


could check/confirm that you are using v1.4.1 of the plugin, please.

Previous versions of the plugin are known to fail with kirby v3.4.3 and newer.

S1SYPHOS commented 3 years ago

I just installed it via Composer, but will confirm and get back to you later.

Thanks for the quick reply!

S1SYPHOS commented 3 years ago

Hey @steirico, I am using v1.4.1 - does the addFields need to go inside a tabs definition or somewhere else? It's a pity I don't seem to get it to work ..

S1SYPHOS commented 3 years ago

It's weird, even if I don't specify any addFields, after installing the plugin, my page add dialogs are all empty :confused:

steirico commented 3 years ago

does the addFields need to go inside a tabs definition or somewhere else?

addFields has to be at the root level of the yaml file (c.f. README for some examples). But your blueprint seems to be fine - it works in my test setup.

Could you inspect the JS console as well as the network connections in your browser's developer tools, please. Are there any errors? The JS console has to show Plugin is replacing "k-page-create-dialog"

S1SYPHOS commented 3 years ago

No errors, just Plugin is replacing "k-page-create-dialog" and network tab request returns 200:

steirico commented 3 years ago

The provided payload is typical for a blueprint which doesn't contain the addFields property. But, such a payload should lead to the default add dialog with title and slug fields.

So I suggest:

S1SYPHOS commented 3 years ago

I'll try. Still , it's pretty standard and nothing out of the ordinary - I wonder what could be causing this ..

S1SYPHOS commented 3 years ago

What can I say .. it works on a starterkit, I copied my plugins & vendor directory over and it just works:


Sadly, it doesn't bring me any closer to a solution for the actual website I want to use this on :face_with_head_bandage:

steirico commented 3 years ago

Did you copy your templates/snippets/blueprints as well?

In a project I encountered very strange behaviours because of a preceding newline in a php file (see forum post).

S1SYPHOS commented 3 years ago

Hey there, I was able to identify the source of this: @bnomei's kirby3-security-headers plugin, see here. When installed, the dialogue box remains empty. Without it, everything works:


I was able to reproduce this in a plainkit with only your plugin and kirby3-security-headers, adding a simple addFields as described in your README!

The problem lies within the route.before hook on this line.

It's a CSP problem, then .. only FF spits out that loading a resource failed (somewhere inside vendor.js):

Content Security Policy: The page's settings blocked the loading of a resource at eval ("script-src").
S1SYPHOS commented 3 years ago

.. which points to somewhere in your index.js - but I can't figure out where .. most CSP problems I know have to do with eval() or script/link/style elements not using a nonce. Maybe it's some API call? I don't know - but this might be a deal breaker.

I'll see if I can disable the security-headers on the panel :rabbit:

steirico commented 3 years ago

Thanks for tracking this down!

I suppose the problem lies in the way how I overwrite/replace the default add dialog:

The following screenshot shows where the "exception" due to CSP is thrown. The scope shows variables and values coming from the plugin.

Screenshot 2020-10-15 at 19 30 32

The overwrite is a bit of a hack because of this issue which should be fixed in kirby v3.5.0. That may solve this issue as well. I will try to test it in a pre-release.

S1SYPHOS commented 3 years ago

Sounds great! One more reason to be excited for v3.5 - thanks for sharing, keep it up 👍

Cheers, S1SYPHOS

S1SYPHOS commented 3 years ago

@steirico: Is it possible to append fields instead of replacing title and slug? That would be great .. or do you have a quick blueprint example to add those as they are by default?


steirico commented 3 years ago

@steirico: Is it possible to append fields instead of replacing title and slug? That would be great .. or do you have a quick blueprint example to add those as they are by default?


Use feature branch feature/default-fields as documented in or use these field definitions:

    label: title
    type: text
    required: true
    icon: title
    label: "slug"
    type: text
    required: true
    counter: false
    icon: url
steirico commented 3 years ago

Kirby v3.5.0 won't fix this issue since the blocked new Function() is part of Vue.js:

I'll investigate if it's possible to precompile the template and then replace the plugin/component.