The problem comes from Utils.normalizeString(args1). Just remove the data.replaceAll("\s+", "") should be enough to fix the issue. But I don't know if it had any use before that.
Second problem:
Can't find the nickname "夜" in NA as well. It is also found on OPGG ( but impossible to find it using the Riot api (with R4J and by hand) this time.
I don't know where the problem could come from, maybe you have an idea?
Hello @stelar7 ! I hope everthing goes well on your side.
I think I found two problems related to the endpoint /lol/summoner/v4/summoners/by-name/
First problem: The nickname "Y K" in NA is impossible to find. But it really exists. OPGG:
The problem comes from Utils.normalizeString(args1). Just remove the data.replaceAll("\s+", "") should be enough to fix the issue. But I don't know if it had any use before that.
Second problem: Can't find the nickname "夜" in NA as well. It is also found on OPGG ( but impossible to find it using the Riot api (with R4J and by hand) this time.
I don't know where the problem could come from, maybe you have an idea?
Thank you for your help !