stella-cv / stella_vslam

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Add feedback during monocular initialisation to diagnose initialisation status #572

Open martinakos opened 4 months ago

martinakos commented 4 months ago

What issue is the feature request related to?

Add feature tracks during monocular initialisation as feedback to diagnose initialisation issues.

Describe the solution you'd like

As I describe in this discussion I'm experiencing very long monocular initialisation compared with ORBSLAM2 in the same conditions. I would like to see the same feature tracks that ORBSLAM2 shows during monocular initialisation to discard that the long initialisation is due to bad feature tracking. stella_vslam doesn't show these feature tracks during monocular initialisation so I don't know if the issue is bad feature tracking or how these tracks are used to initialise the map.

ymd-stella commented 4 months ago

I don't think the addition of the drawing feature will solve that problem. what you really need is a status indicator.

You can implement the following. (The related code is attached.)