stella-emu / stella

A multi-platform Atari 2600 Emulator
GNU General Public License v2.0
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[ Feature Request ] Multiple type of images in launcher screenshots view #916

Open Augusto7743 opened 2 years ago

Augusto7743 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for read my topic.

I has several custom png files (game box and cartridges) from Atariage. Would be good to see Stella allowing configure 3 paths for launcher screenshots view :

game box png path.
cartridge png path
gameplay screenshot png path
In Stella launcher in screenshot area having an gui buttons to alternate what screenshot path will be used to launcher screenshot view.

MAME has option to configure flyers, cabinets, gameplay screenshots and etc. MAME gui in screenshot area has buttons to alternate what type of screenshots (flyers, cabinets, gameplay screenshots and etc) will be showed and works very well.

That feature is an good improvement for Stella.

Have an nice week.

thrust26 commented 2 years ago

Good idea, but who will provide and maintain all the required images? We do not have the resources to do it ourselves.

Augusto7743 commented 2 years ago

I has almost all images (box cart front and back, cartridges and labels) downloaded from Possibly I have 95 % of all images of commercial games. That was an long time to download and naming all images. I can upload all images ( more of 150 MB) in 3 zip files groups named cartridge, box front and back. After the user can download in Stella download section. Screenshot path having anothers sub folders (cartridge, box front and box back) only need move the images to correct paths.

I only need information what is rom naming used by Stella. TOSEC, Nointro or use roms from Atarimania ? or yet rename all roms using the Stella rom naming command. Not problem for me doing it. Stella is an bless of heaven ... Thanks for all Stella team.

thrust26 commented 2 years ago

I think we are using the names from Atarimania (@sa666666 correct?) for internal naming and for renaming the ROMs during audit. And for searching the images, we are using these names or the ROM names (if they are not audited or unknown).

Augusto7743 commented 2 years ago

@Thrust26 Thanks very much for your reply.

I use TOSEC naming because has better naming details.

The patch below add screenshot view using rom filename

Stella use an hash database from Atarimania roms ?

Stella only support png format. Any chance to add jpg support ? The file size is smaller and also both Atariage and Atarimania image scan are in jpg format. Example Adventure box front and back in jpg format are 137 KB. Converting to png is 1.2 MB. Adding jpg save disk space.

thrust26 commented 2 years ago

@sa666666 Can you answer how we audit the files and how we relate to Atarimania naming?

There are currently no plans for adding JPG to Stella. Since we are currently only using screenshots, PNG is much more efficient. But once we add scans and photos, JPG would be better. This should be a separate issue.

sa666666 commented 2 years ago

Basic naming info comes from AtariMania. But it is hand-tweaked, so that part of the info from AtariMania is placed in the ROM properties instead of in the filename. So unfortunately, it's not a straight copy of AtariMania.

But that's what the ROM audit functionality is for; to rename the ROMs accordingly. It would be very easy to add functionality to 'audit' the snapshot names as well.

Augusto7743 commented 2 years ago

@sa666666 Thanks for your reply. Not problem for me to rename all images and after upload here.

"Basic naming info comes from AtariMania. But it is hand-tweaked, so that part of the info from AtariMania is placed in the ROM properties instead of in the filename." I need contact Atarimania about if is used any hash tool to rename the files and if after was done an manual renaming. TOSEC naming is very good. Have details about the correct game name, if is prototype, date, company, if was licensed to Sears, if is clone also added the parent name rom and even the game creator programmer. I has homebrew and commercial demo (Galagon, Mappy and Wizard of Wor) not listed in TOSEC. AtariAge has several homebrew available, but not has images for all homebrews.

Stella use Atarimania naming and possibly is the rom naming more used by users. I need first understand what will be the rom naming used. After to do in sequence.

1 - Use Nointro or Atarimania naming or Stella internal renaming feature. 2 - Move all jpg files in correct created path to rename being game box front, game box back, cartridge scan and the current screenshot pack from Stella. 3 - Start Retroarch and create an Stella playlist for each type of image. 4 - Start Retroarch Thumbnail Generator. 5 - Load "game box front" playlist and select the correct path with all game box front images. 6 - Use the rename command. 7 - Verify if all images was correctly named. 8 - Move all named images to path "game box front" and create an zip file. (Github not allow 7Z).

I have done an test converting 2537 jpg files to png. jpg total size = 152,2 MB png total size = 1 GB

Really png is efficient for screenshots, but when having an high number of files use much disk space. JPG is fast even an Pentium 3 run very well. Having an almost complete image collection the correct choice is jpg. That also help for users using Stella in others plataforms with few disk space.

I can immediately begin to create the files, but also if has chance to add jpg support is better also for upload the files and save transfer access in Stella download link. Need to create another topic issue about jpg support ?

Augusto7743 commented 2 years ago

I will begin the image naming using atarimania naming. I need see if was added new images in Atariage. Have much games without any image scan. Anything upload an update zip with new images. That will be good for users.

thrust26 commented 2 years ago

Cool, thank you.

As you may have noticed, I have implemented your request already.

Please note that additional the pictures have to follow this format: "filename_#.png" (where # is any number). They are displayed ordered by the number (sorted as a string). So if you have more than 10 images for a game, you should use _01 instead _1.

Augusto7743 commented 2 years ago

Here seeing problems if using Audit Roms. Configure roms path to Atarimania roms. After use Stella rename command. Correct roms are being removed. Example is Flash Gordon

If having Flash Gordon (1983) (20th Century Fox Video Games - Sirius Software, David Lubar) (11015) ~.bin Flash Gordon (Hack) (32 in 1) (Bit Corporation) (R320).bin Flash Gordon (Unknown) (PAL).bin

Stella remove Flash Gordon (1983) (20th Century Fox Video Games - Sirius Software, David Lubar) (11015) ~.bin

For that situation only has image scan for Flash Gordon (1983) (20th Century Fox Video Games - Sirius Software, David Lubar) (11015) ~.bin

Also remove some others type of roms. Example Donkey Kong VCS homebrew. Is better not audit roms. Image naming will use Atarimania naming.

About your reply. "Please note that additional the pictures have to follow this format: "filename_#.png" (where # is any number). They are displayed ordered by the number (sorted as a string). So if you have more than 10 images for a game, you should use _01 instead _1."

Following the same way used for MAME and Retroarch. MAME allow multiple image paths for any game. Is possible create snapshots, cabinets, PCB, flyer and etc. The images are in tabs named with the type of image. Retroarch only allow configure an folder for images and another for screenshot. Example image path/Atari VCS/Named_Boxarts image path/Atari VCS/Named_titles screenshots

"Atari VCS" is the named playlist created in GUI.

Thus for Stella I had created the folders below

/box back /box front /cartridge /cartridge label /miscellaneous /screenshot

The folder "miscellaneous" was created because some game has extra image scans. Activision has patches. Anothers games has posters and etc.

The file is an example. Image files organized in folders is easy to understand the content and better classified. The user knows where is each type of image. I don't understand if you approves it.

Several games not has any image scan. Atarimania has scans not available in Atariage. Thus I need also add images from Atarimania. Also searching information about games in Atariage forums and if has any custom image scan.

I use Retroarch Thumbnail Generator for renaming the files. Funny detail is that Retroarch Thumbnail Generator only support png, but if renaming the file extension from jpg to png the file is allowed and yet load an thumbnail exact of jpg image. That was good because not need converting from jpg to png.

Have an nice day.

thrust26 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for providing the images, Stella is now able to display them (incl. non-progressive JPGs). Unfortunately your JPGs seem to be saved progressive. That's something our simple library does not support. You have to convert them.

Note that Stella can also display a label (e.g. representing your folders) for each image which you could easily add to your images using the EXIFTool. Please see updated Stella documentation how to name the images and where to put the label data.

The file is an example. Image files organized in folders is easy to understand the content and better classified. The user knows where is each type of image. I don't understand if you approves it.

As you can see yourself, every emulator and every user does it different. Therefore we have no plans for dedicated folders per image type. The numbers and using the metadata are more flexible, IMO.

E.g. if you want to add a label to your box front images do: exiftool.exe -ImageDescription="Box Front" *.jpg

Here is how it looks like: image

I will look into your audit problem and create a new issue if required.

thrust26 commented 2 years ago

I checked the audit problem. The ROM got not removed but renamed into "AKA Space Adventure". Stella works correct here, based on the data it has.

So the problem is that data which is taken from file:

"Cart.MD5" "8786c1e56ef221d946c64f6b65b697e9"
"Cart.Manufacturer" "20th Century Fox Video Games, David Lubar"
"Cart.ModelNo" "11015"
"Cart.Name" "AKA Space Adventure"

Looks like the data was added by using Cart.Name instead of using Cart.Note here. Please let us know of any other problems you find, so that we can fix them.

Augusto7743 commented 2 years ago


Thanks for replying about jpg non-progressive and sharing ExifTool. All images will be converted to non-progressive.

Have any limit for resolution ? resolution for box front and back are less of 600X827 and cartridge 400X482.

ExifTool does batch process in all files ?

In moment was renamed image scans (box front, box back and cartridge) from Atariage. Now need see all games with missing images and after search in Atarimania. Also need add image scans of cartridge label and miscellaneous.

I see Stella audit removing several "similar roms". I need to see manually several games if the renaming are correct. If you need will be saved an list of rom files removed for post here.

thrust26 commented 2 years ago

There is no limit, but smaller images can be processed faster. The sizes you have are totally fine. However, it would be good if the "normal" image for each ROM (the one without a number) would be not too large. That makes browsing the ROMs faster.

Yes, EXIFtool can do batches. Probably you should do one per folder to have different meta data.

You don't have to provide a complete image library with all details, every little bit helps. Of course, the more the better. 😄

If Stella removes ROMS, then these are duplicates.

thrust26 commented 2 years ago

A little update regarding your example images.

We should define a minimal size, the Adventure (77x125) image in miscellaneous is really too small for a good display and the H.E.R.O (150x154) image is on the edge. I suggest images should have at least ~200x200 (or 40,000) pixel. Which is ~50% of the screenshots we are currently providing.

And you can go up to ~2000x2000.

Augusto7743 commented 2 years ago

Your choice is naming having number and metadata. When finished renaming will be done an command to add numbers in each file.

Stella 6.7 browse files in launcher screen slow if compared with previous version even not having any screenshot. How is being done images for 5 numbers (box front, box back, cartridge, cartridge label and miscellaneous) the sixth is screeshot.

What is the numeric order to be used ? 1 box front 2 box back 3 cartridge 4 cartridge label 5 miscellaneous

or 0 box front 1 box back 2 cartridge 3 cartridge label 4 miscellaneous

"The sizes you have are totally fine. However, it would be good if the "normal" image for each ROM (the one without a number) would be not too large. That makes browsing the ROMs faster."

Is better the first number to be the screenshot ?

Exactly ... when doing audit roms

Flash Gordon (1983) (20th Century Fox Video Games - Sirius Software, David Lubar) (11015)

is renamed for AKA Space Adventure

Have games having an strange naming.

TOSEC naming is well accurate and has much details, but not much used by users. Nointro is simple naming also not much used by users. Atarimania naming is the most used for users ... mainly Atariage forums users. Thus the images are being named using the Atarimania naming.

"You don't have to provide a complete image library with all details, every little bit helps. Of course, the more the better." link below

Seeing the list several games not has images.

and in

Atarimania has more images.

In moment adding more images from Atarimania.

"We should define a minimal size, the Adventure (77x125) image in miscellaneous is really too small for a good display and the H.E.R.O (150x154) image is on the edge. I suggest images should have at least ~200x200 (or 40,000) pixel. Which is ~50% of the screenshots we are currently providing."

You are correct. miscellaneous images will be larger than 200x200.

If you need to say any other detail required to be done in image naming please say here.

thrust26 commented 2 years ago

Stella 6.7 browse files in launcher screen slow if compared with previous version even not having any screenshot. How is being done images for 5 numbers (box front, box back, cartridge, cartridge label and miscellaneous) the sixth is screeshot.

We addressed this problem, the additional images are loaded delayed.

What is the numeric order to be used ? 1 box front 2 box back 3 cartridge 4 cartridge label 5 miscellaneous

Sounds fine to me. However I would use 10, 20, 30... Then you can have e.g. label variations numbered 40, 41, 42...

Is better the first number to be the screenshot ?

Yup. One file without any number (like today). More screenshots could be numbered 00, 01, 02...

Seeing the list several games not has images.

I checked the latest V17 collection with the latest image download and found only a few games with a screenshot (Elf Adventure, S.A.C., Power Arcade, Warplock)

If you need to say any other detail required to be done in image naming please say here.

Nothing that I am aware of now. :smile:

Augusto7743 commented 2 years ago

Trying an way more simple to copy images from Atarimania. Example Have 1 image scan (cartridge). The image in the page are thumbnails (little resolution size) thus need click in the image to open an window with the image in correct resolution size and after save image.

I have tried HTTrack to only download .jpg, but even selecting only .jpg are being downloaded an larger number of files without any jpg file.

I have figured all jpg files related with Atari VCS are in

if is possible an command or tool to access the link above and download all jpg files will be useful.

thrust26 commented 2 years ago

Try to contact Atarimania and tell them what you need and why. Refer to this issue. Probably they can help you.

Augusto7743 commented 2 years ago

I had created an Atarimania forum account in last week ... waiting account to be approved ... few activity in the forum.

Trying search an web cache proxy that cache site using the original file name.

Augusto7743 commented 2 years ago

Atariage images work done. All available images (box front and back, cartridge and labels) for Atari, Activision and Imagic ... and others :-) 3251 images added being total size 175 MB. Some Atari games (Phoenix, Vanguard and etc) have high quality box design being art done by Detective Comics. Now working in Atarimania.

In moment the more easy way to download images is browse the game page and open each image in browser new tab. After use mzcacheview to read the browser temporary cache directory and copy all jpg files using only an command in each task.

I see Atarimania game catalog has roms dumps not included in ROM Collection file. Also need to be added because has image scans.

Stella 6.7 emulating some games much slow than previous version. D.K.VCS_1.0_170304_NTSC Galagon_demo_final_NTSC Lady-Bug-Arcade_demo_final_NTSC Mappy_demo_final_NTSC RobotWar-2684_demo_final_NTSC

Other detail about Stella audit rom. In Brazil the company Polyvox had licensed rights to release the Atari VCS. I remember disassembling Atari Polyvox cartridges. Inside in the rom had printed message. Vanguard "copyright Atari" and Megamania "copyright Activision". Possibly the roms was imported from Atari and Activision and thus the roms can have the same checksum comparing with the USA release. If is the same checksum the Polyvox versions will be removed. Perhaps some users want has the Polyvox roms too.

thrust26 commented 2 years ago

Atariage images work done. All available images (box front and back, cartridge and labels) for Atari, Activision and Imagic ... and others :-) 3251 images added being total size 175 MB. Some Atari games (Phoenix, Vanguard and etc) have high quality box design being art done by Detective Comics. Now working in Atarimania.

Good job!

In moment the more easy way to download images is browse the game page and open each image in browser new tab. After use mzcacheview to read the browser temporary cache directory and copy all jpg files using only an command in each task.

That's still sounds like a lot of work.

I see Atarimania game catalog has roms dumps not included in ROM Collection file. Also need to be added because has image scans.

Yes and no. Some of these are just duplicates. And others are very minimal variations (e.g. scanline count changed by 2 lines). I can understand that these are not in his collection. If you want to provide images for these, please put them into a separate folder, so that we can offer them as an additional, optional download.

Stella 6.7 emulating some games much slow than previous version. D.K.VCS_1.0_170304_NTSC Galagon_demo_final_NTSC Lady-Bug-Arcade_demo_final_NTSC Mappy_demo_final_NTSC RobotWar-2684_demo_final_NTSC

There is no reason why that should be the case and I have not noticed this. How did you find out? @sa666666 @DirtyHairy Did you hear similar reports?

Other detail about Stella audit rom. In Brazil the company Polyvox had licensed rights to release the Atari VCS. I remember disassembling Atari Polyvox cartridges. Inside in the rom had printed message. Vanguard "copyright Atari" and Megamania "copyright Activision". Possibly the roms was imported from Atari and Activision and thus the roms can have the same checksum comparing with the USA release. If is the same checksum the Polyvox versions will be removed. Perhaps some users want has the Polyvox roms too.

Yes, that would most likely be ROMs which are not in the AtariMania ROM collection. For completeness we can provide the images, but like I said above, separately.

Augusto7743 commented 2 years ago

"That's still sounds like a lot of work." Atarimania has named each image file using "cartridge" in the name. Thus need see each image copied from the browser cache. Atariage was much more easy. Each image name had description.

"And others are very minimal variations (e.g. scanline count changed by 2 lines). I can understand that these are not in his collection" Really has few games not included in Atarimania rom collection. Not exactly in my collection, but not in Atarimania rom collection. Thus if an user has the game need the image too.

"There is no reason why that should be the case and I have not noticed this. How did you find out?" I only sad posted here because comparing the game rom with image scan few games are running slow. Perhaps you not had noticed because your OS was selected cpu power profile performance ? If user have selected cpu power profile power saver will be possible see that now few games (mainly games from Champ games) are using much more cpu.

"Did you hear similar reports?" Not.

"Yes, that would most likely be ROMs which are not in the AtariMania ROM collection." Atariage and Atarimania not has Polyvox dumps.

"For completeness we can provide the images, but like I said above, separately." Possible the games are the same checksum of USA original roms.

continuing the image naming

Augusto7743 commented 2 years ago

Now analyzing roms naming between Stella and Romhunter. Stella audit remove some original games. Making an list of games correct original games that was removed or renamed with wrong name in Stella audit command. After I need reply about what will be rom naming choice. Stella database or atarimanaia. After only need rename the images, convert to no progressive and upload.

Augusto7743 commented 2 years ago

I need reply for see what is the decision chosen for continue naming the images.

1 )

When I had started naming images I waited to use Stella rom naming, but began to appear some games with strange naming. Thus temporarily I had used Atarimania rom naming. Atarimania use much long name, sometimes repeated words and few games with strange naming (Dragonfire (Cheese) (1982) (Imagic, Bob Smith) (720020-1A, IA3611, IA3611C). Stella database use an simple naming and details (company, year, creator design and etc) are listed in game launcher.

I have analyzed and wrote an list of games. Stella Audit remove correct games.

I suggest when doing audit for not removing the games of the list below and add the games in the list below in Stella database. Have much users with the games in the list below. The games have images. That help users avoiding download images and also has correct games from Atari, Telegames, Absolute and some others companies to be added in database. If adding the games in the list in database I can naming the images using Stella database and will be more easy to renaming. I can use the audit command and the games will be renamed with less words thus being more easy to renaming. Atariage images renaming was done using Atarimania, but if will be added the games below the naming will be Stella database thus need to redo the image naming from Atariage. Not problem for me. Games using the Stella database is the correct way.

Only to do the image naming from Atarimania and convert to no interlaced.

About the list the first line is Atarimania rom naming (game being removed) and second line is game using Stella database possibly using an checksum for comparing.

Alices Abenteuer - Lilly Adventure (1983) (Quelle - Otto Versand) (732.273 8 - 600273, 781644) (PAL) Lilly Adventure (1983) (Quelle) (PAL).bin

Alien's Return (AKA Go Go Home) (1983) (ITT Family Games) (554-33 391) (PAL) Go Go Home Monster (1983) (Home Vision) (PAL).bin

Aquatak (AKA Skindiver) (1983) (John Sands Electronics) (JS145C) (PAL) Skindiver (1983) (Sancho) (PAL).bin

Assault (AKA Sky Alien) (1983) (Bomb - Onbase) (CA281) (PAL) Sky Alien (1983) (Home Vision) (PAL).bin

Asteroid Belt (AKA Asteroid Fire) (1983) (Suntek) (SS-029) (PAL) Time Machine (1983) (Goliath) (PAL).bin

Astro Attack (AKA Time Warp) (1983) (Goliath - Hot Shot) (83-214) (PAL) Time Race (Funvision) (PAL).bin

Astrowar (1983) (Goliath) (2) (PAL) Sternkrieg (1983) (Ariola) (PAL).bin

Astrowar (Astrobattle) (Dimax - Sinmax) (SM8002) (PAL) ~ Sternkrieg (1983) (Ariola) (PAL).bin

Aufruhr im Zoo (AKA Pumuckl at the Zoo) (1983) (Quelle) (719.694 2) (PAL) Zoo Fun (1983) (Suntek) (PAL).bin

Base Attack (1983) (Home Vision - Gem International Corporation - VDI) (VCS83113) (PAL) ~ Z-Tack (1983) (Bomb) (PAL).bin

Baseball (AKA Super Challenge Baseball) (1988) (Telegames) (5665 A016) Super Challenge Baseball (1982) (M Network).bin

Basic Math - Math (Math Pack) (1977) (Atari, Gary Palmer - Sears) (CX2661 - 99808, 6-99808) ~ Fun with Numbers (1980) (Atari).bin

Basic Math (Math Pack) (1977) (Atari, Gary Palmer) (CX2661) (PAL) Fun with Numbers (1980) (Atari) (PAL).bin

Bermuda (AKA River Raid) (1983) (Quelle) (322.913 5) (PAL) Bermuda, The (1983) (Rainbow Vision) (PAL).bin

BMX Air Master (1989) (Atari) (CX26190) BMX Air Master (1989) (TNT Games).bin

Break-Down (AKA Wall Break) (1983) (Dynamics) (DY-192004) (PAL) Wall-Defender (1983) (Bomb) (PAL).bin

Capture (AKA Wall Break) (1983) (Goliath - Hot Shot) (83-314) (PAL) Wall-Defender (1983) (Bomb) (PAL).bin

Championship Soccer (1980) (Atari, Steve Wright) (CX2616P) (PAL) Pele's Soccer (1981) (Atari) (PAL).bin

Championship Soccer - Soccer (1980) (Atari, Steve Wright - Sears) (CX2616 - 49-75155) ~ Pele's Soccer (1981) (Atari).bin

Chuck Norris Superkicks (1983) (Xonox - K-Tel Software - VSS, Robert Weatherby) (6230, 06002, 06003, 99003) ~ Kung Fu Superkicks (1988) (Telegames).bin game original is the Xonox version.

Condor Attack (1982) (Ultravision) (1043) ~ Vulture Attack (1982) (K-Tel Vision).bin

Condor Attack (1982) (Ultravision) (1043) (PAL) Space War (1982) (Funvision) (PAL).bin

Condor Attack (1983) (Goliath) (4) (PAL) Vulture Attack (1982) (K-Tel Vision) (PAL).bin

Criminal Pursuit (AKA A Mysterious Thief) (Video Game Cartridge - Ariola) (TP-619) (PAL) Criminal Pursuit (1983) (Suntek) (PAL)

Das Raumschiff (AKA Go Go Home) (1983) (Video Game - Ariola) (SP-211) (PAL) Go Go Home Monster (1983) (Home Vision) (PAL).bin

Der flinke Architekt (AKA Master Builder) (1983) (Quelle) (343.373 7) (PAL) Master Builder (1983) (Quelle) (PAL).bin

Der hungrige Panda - Panda (Quest) (AKA Panda Chase) (1983) (Quelle - Otto Versand) (731.662 3 - 550425) (PAL) Panda Chase (1983) (Home Vision) (PAL)

Die Springteufel (AKA Infiltrate) (1983) (Quelle) (176.654 2) (PAL) Infiltrate (1921) (Apollo) (PAL).bin Infiltrate is 1981

Die Unterwasser Bestien - Mariana (AKA Seaquest) (1983) (Quelle - Otto Versand) (463.734 4 - 550293) (PAL) Mariana (1983) (Rainbow Vision) (PAL).bin

Donkey Kong (1987) (Atari) (CX26143) Donkey Kong (1982) (Coleco).bin

Dragonfire (Cheese) (1982) (Imagic, Bob Smith) (720020-1A, IA3611, IA3611C) ~ Dragon Treasure (Funvision).bin Atariage and Atarimania rom version are Imagic ? Stella use Dragon Treasure naming for both roms from Atariage and Atarimania.

Dschungel Boy (AKA Pitfall!) (1983) (Quelle) (262.894 9) (PAL) Tom Boy (1983) (Rainbow Vision) (PAL).bin

Eddy Langfinger, der Museumsdieb (AKA A Mysterious Thief) (1983) (Quelle) (732.052 6) (PAL) Criminal Pursuit (1983) (Suntek) (PAL).bin

Exocet (1982) (Sancho - Tang's Electronic Co.) (TEC001) (PAL) ~ Space Eagle (1983) (Goliath) (PAL).bin

Exoset Missile (AKA Exocet) (1982) (John Sands Electronics) (JS145B) (PAL) Space Eagle (1983) (Goliath) (PAL).bin

F-14 Tomcat (1988) (Absolute Entertainment, Dan Kitchen) (PAL) Fighter Pilot (1988) (Activision) (PAL).bin

Farmer Dan (AKA Gopher) (Zellers) Mighty Mouse (Funvision).bin

Felix Return (AKA Bobby Is Going Home) (1983) (Goliath - Hot Shot) (83-116) (PAL) Jacky Jump (1983) (Home Vision) (PAL).bin

Flash Gordon (1983) (20th Century Fox Video Games - Sirius Software, David Lubar) (11015) ~ AKA Space Adventure Game original version is Flash Gordon

Frisco (1983) (Home Vision, R.J.P.G. - Gem International Corporation - VDI) (VCS83104) (PAL) ~ Peter Penguin (1983) (ITT Family Games) (PAL).bin

Frontline (AKA Combat) (Zellers) Combat (1977) (Atari).bin

Galactic (AKA Condor Attack) (1983) (Goliath - Hot Shot) (83-416) (PAL) Galactic (Funvision) (PAL).bin

Galactic (AKA The Challenge of.... Nexar) (1983) (Quelle) (218.202 0) (PAL) Galactic (1983) (Rainbow Vision) (PAL).bin

Game of Concentration, A (AKA Hunt & Score) (Keyboard Controller) (1980) (Atari, Alan Miller) (CX2642P) (PAL) Hunt & Score (1978) (Atari) (PAL).bin

Game of Concentration, A - Concentration (AKA Hunt & Score) (Keyboard Controller) (1980) (Atari, Alan Miller) (CX2642) Hunt & Score - Memory Match (1978) (Atari).bin

Gefaehrliche Maeusejagd (AKA Topy) (1983) (Quelle) (719.551 4) (PAL) Mole Hunter (1983) (Suntek) (PAL).bin

Great Escape (AKA Asteroid Fire) (1983) (Bomb - Onbase) (CA282) (PAL) Time Machine (1983) (Goliath) (PAL).bin

Hell Driver (AKA Racing Car) (1983) (ITT Family Games) (554-37 729) (PAL) Racing Car (1983) (Home Vision) (PAL).bin

Immies & Aggies (Unknown) Immies & Aggies (1983) (CCE).bin Game name correct is the unknown. Stella database use an wrong name. Not is the CCE version. CCE version has CCE name in top screen.

Im Reich der Spinne (AKA Amidar) (1983) (Quelle) (322.773 3) (PAL) Netmaker (1983) (Rainbow Vision) (PAL).bin

Im Schutz der Drachen (AKA Dragon Power) (1983) (Quelle) (719.252 9) (PAL) Dragon Defender (1983) (Suntek) (PAL).bin

Jagd auf Diamanten-Frisco (AKA Frisco) (1983) (Quelle) (875.413 7) (PAL) Peter Penguin (1983) (ITT Family Games) (PAL).bin

Kampf dem Steinfresser - Boom Bang (AKA Crackpots) (1983) (Quelle - Otto Versand) (463.574 4 - 781393, 986153) (PAL) Boom Bang (1983) (Rainbow Vision) (PAL).bin

Kampf im Asteroiden-Guertel - Astrowar (1983) (Quelle - Otto Versand) (719.302 2 - 311388) (PAL) War 2000 (1983) (Home Vision) (PAL).bin

Kampf um die Schatzinsel (AKA Treasure Discovery) (1983) (Quelle) (719.163 8) (PAL) Treasure Island (1983) (Suntek) (PAL)

Karate (1987) (Froggo) (FG1001) Karate (1982) (Ultravision).bin

Krieg der Sterne (AKA Atlantis) (Videospielkassette - Ariola) (PGP233) (PAL) Curtiss (1983) (Rainbow Vision) (PAL).bin

Labyrint (AKA Phantom Tank) (1983) (Goliath - Hot Shot) (83-411) (PAL) Phantom Tank (1983) (Goliath) (PAL).bin

Laser Base (AKA The End of the World) (Perry Rhodan-Serie) (1983) (ITT Family Games) (554-33 367) (PAL) World End (1983) (Home Vision) (PAL).bin

Laser-Loop (AKA Base Attack) (1983) (Dynamics) (PAL) Z-Tack (1983) (Bomb) (PAL).bin

Marspatrouille (AKA Gas Hog) (1983) (Quelle) (292.542 8) (PAL) Gas Hog - Piraten Schiff (1983) (Spectravideo) (PAL).bin

Meteor Defense (AKA Astrowar) (1983) (ITT Family Games) (554-33 391) (PAL) War 2000 (1983) (Home Vision) (PAL).bin

Missile War (AKA Astrowar) (1983) (Goliath - Hot Shot) (83-312) (PAL) Sternkrieg (1983) (Ariola) (PAL).bin

Monster aus dem All (AKA Sky Alien) (1983) (Video Game - Ariola) (SP-206) (PAL) Sky Alien (1983) (Home Vision) (PAL).bin

Mountain Man (AKA Ski Hunt) (1983) (ITT Family Games) (554-37 737) (PAL) Winterjagd (1983) (Quelle) (PAL).bin

Mouse Trap (Mouse Attack) (1987) (Atari) (CX26146) Mouse Trap (1982) (Coleco).bin

Nightmare (1983) (Sancho - Tang's Electronic Co.) (TEC004) Stunt Man (1983) (Panda).bin

Ocean City Defender (AKA Atlantis) (Zellers) Ocean City (Funvision).bin

Open Sesame (AKA Open, Sesame!) (4 Game in One) (1983) (Bit Corporation) (PGP204) (PAL) Open Sesame (4 Game in One) (1983) (BitCorp) (PAL).bin

Othello (32 in 1) (Bit Corporation) (R320) Othello (1981) (Atari).bin

Overkill (AKA Seahawk) (1983) (Goliath - Hot Shot) (83-114) (PAL) Seahawk (1982) (Sancho) (PAL).bin

Pac-Kong (AKA Inca Gold) (1983) (Quelle) (219.292 0) (PAL) Pac Kong (1983) (Goliath) (PAL).bin

Phantom Tank - Phantom-Panzer (1982) (Bit Corporation) (PG203) (PAL) ~ Phantom Tank (1982) (BitCorp) (PAL).bin

Pinball (AKA Video Pinball) (Zellers) Video Pinball (1981) (Atari).bin

Q-bert (1983) (Parker Brothers - Western Technologies, Dave Hampton, Tom Sloper) (PB5360) ~ Q-bert (1987) (Atari).bin Parker Brothers is the original version. Stella database use the licensed Atari release 1987.

Quest for Quintana Roo (1984) (Sunrise Software - VSS) (1603) ~ Quest for Quintana Roo (1988) (Telegames).bin

Radar (AKA Exocet) (Zellers) Radar (Zellers).bin

Raumbasen-Attacke - Base Attack (1983) (Quelle - Otto Versand) (732.074 0 - 781778) (PAL) Z-Tack (1983) (Bomb) (PAL).bin

Raumpatrouille (AKA X'Mission) (1983) (Quelle) (731.064 2) (PAL) UFO Patrol (1983) (Suntek) (PAL).bin

River Raid (Hack) (Unknown) (PAL) River Raid (Unknown) (PAL) (Hack).bin

River Raid (Hack) (Unknown) (PAL) [a] River Raid (Unknown) (PAL) (Hack) [a].bin

Robot Fight (AKA Space Robot) (1983) (Home Vision - Gem International Corporation - VDI) (VCS83101) (PAL) Space Robot (1983) (Dimax - Sinmax) (PAL).bin

Schnapp die Apfeldiebe (AKA Plaque Attack) (1983) (Quelle) (429.663 8) (PAL) Catch Time (1983) (Rainbow Vision) (PAL).bin

Schussel, der Polizistenschreck (AKA Guignol) (1983) (Quelle) (731.273 9) (PAL) Walker (1983) (Suntek) (PAL).bin

Scuba Diver (AKA Skindiver) (Zellers) Sea Hunt (1987) (Froggo).bin

Sea Hawk (AKA Seahawk) (1987) (Froggo) (FG1008) Sea Hawk (Zellers).bin

Sea Monster (1983) (Goliath) (8) (PAL) Sea Monster (1982) (Puzzy) (PAL).bin

Sky Scraper (AKA Base Attack) (1983) (Goliath - Hot Shot) (83-415) (PAL) Z-Tack (1983) (Bomb) (PAL).bin

Snail Against Squirrel (Unknown) (PAL) [a] Snail Against Squirrel (Unknown) (PAL).bin

Space Monster (AKA Condor Attack) (1982) (Funvision - Fund. International Co.) (F2001) (PAL) Vulture Attack (1982) (K-Tel Vision) (PAL).bin

Space Robot (1983) (Goliath) (1) (PAL) Space Robot (1983) (Dimax - Sinmax) (PAL).bin

Space Tunnel - Weltraum-Tunnel (1982) (Bit Corporation) (PG202) (PAL) ~ Space Tunnel (1982) (BitCorp) (PAL).bin

Spider Kong (AKA Inca Gold) (1983) (Goliath) (6) (PAL) Spider Maze (1982) (K-Tel Vision) (PAL).bin

Spider Kong (AKA Inca Gold) (1983) (Goliath) (6) (PAL) [a] Pac Kong (1983) (Goliath) (PAL).bin

Surround (32 in 1) (Bit Corporation) (R320) Surround (1977) (Atari).bin

Tom's Eierjagd (AKA Pumuckl at the Farm House) (1983) (Quelle) (731.503 9) (PAL) Farmyard Fun (1983) (Suntek) (PAL).bin

UFI und sein gefaehrlicher Einsatz (AKA Go Go Home) (1983) (Quelle) (732.174 8) (PAL) Go Go Home Monster (1983) (Home Vision) (PAL).bin

Ungeheuer der Tiefe (AKA Skindiver) (1983) (Quelle) (719.013 5) (PAL) Bi! Bi! (Rainbow Vision) (PAL).bin

Vogel Flieh (AKA Dolphin) (1983) (Quelle) (465.302 8) (PAL) Tuby Bird (1983) (Rainbow Vision) (PAL).bin

Vom Himmel durch die Hoelle (AKA Parachute) (1983) (Quelle) (719.941 7) (PAL) Skydiver (1983) (Suntek) (PAL).bin

Wachroboter jagt Jupy (AKA Keystone Kapers) (1983) (Quelle) (715.853 5) (PAL) Hey! Stop! (1983) (Rainbow Vision) (PAL).bin

Wall Break (1983) (Home Vision - Gem International Corporation - VDI) (VCS83114) (PAL) ~ Wall-Defender (1983) (Bomb) (PAL).bin

Wuestenschlacht (AKA Chopper Command) (1983) (Quelle) (262.794 1) (PAL) Pyramid War (Unknown) (PAL).bin

Games below are removed even not being duplicates.

Boxing (Unknown) (PAL).bin Gopher (Unknown) (PAL).bin Immies & Aggies (1983) (CCE) (C-838).bin Snail Against Squirrel (Unknown) (PAL).bin

Here files for checksum Game list

2 ) Stella 6.7 Linux Ubuntu 20.04 run much slow (game launcher playlist browse and gameplay speed). Stella 6.7 Linux Ubuntu 18.04 run without problems.

Stella using default settings and enabled opengl and multithread in Ubuntu 20.04 FX-6300 GF GT640.

Stella 6.7 Linux Ubuntu 18.04. cpu power profile power save cpu percentage usage in single core

Enduro 8-25 %

Galagon 26-41 %

Mappy 15-40 %

Robotwar-2684 29-47 %

If using cpu power profile high performance the percentage is much low being less of 20 %.

Stella 6.7 Linux Ubuntu 20.04. cpu power profile power save cpu percentage usage in single core

Enduro 80-92 %

Mappy (and others Champ games) 100 % ... extremely slow ... need use cpu power profile high performance ... I not see command to enable FPS view in Stella. perhaps running at half speed 30 FPS.

cpu power profile using high performance cpu percentage usage in single core

Galagon 50-62 %

Mappy 54-62 %

Robotwar-2684 40-60 %

Stella 6.7 Linux Ubuntu 20.04 cpu requirement is more of 3 times comparing with Ubuntu 18.04 version. Need create another topic issue about it ?

Have an nice day.

thrust26 commented 2 years ago

Stella 6.7 Linux Ubuntu 20.04 cpu requirement is more of 3 times comparing with Ubuntu 18.04 version. Need create another topic issue about it ?

Yes, please. Not sure if can fix anything though. Done!

@Augusto7743 Please follow the issue, we have more questions.

thrust26 commented 2 years ago

I suggest when doing audit for not removing the games of the list below and add the games in the list below in Stella database. Have much users with the games in the list below. The games have images.

Personally, I do not like these long filenames. Atarimania has no alternative, because they have to put all information into the filename. But Stella has properties where we put these details.

But I see your problem. What I would suggest is, that the Stella's Audit also renames the images which match the renamed ROM filenames. So if if you have a ROM name "looongname.bin" and an image named "looongname.png", both will be renamed into "shortname.bin" and "shortname.png".

For the ROMs which are renamed wrong by Stella's Audit, e.g.:

Aquatak (AKA Skindiver) (1983) (John Sands Electronics) (JS145C) (PAL)
Skindiver (1983) (Sancho) (PAL).bin

You can update the file for these. But please only using the short names, here e.g. Aquatek (1983) (PAL).bin. The other information belongs into the properties.

Augusto7743 commented 2 years ago

"Personally, I do not like these long filenames. Atarimania has no alternative, because they have to put all information into the filename. But Stella has properties where we put these details." Exactly ... the images will be named using Stella database.

"But I see your problem. What I would suggest is, that the Stella's Audit also renames the images which match the renamed ROM filenames. So if if you have a ROM name "looongname.bin" and an image named "looongname.png", both will be renamed into "shortname.bin" and "shortname.png"."

Possibly I didn't say clearly about image naming. Please excuse. I said that image using Atarimania has extreme long name and few strange naming. Long name is more time to rename. Thus the correct choice is Stella database naming for images. Is much better and more easy to finish the job and mainly better for users.

"For the ROMs which are renamed wrong by Stella's Audit, e.g.: Aquatak (AKA Skindiver) (1983) (John Sands Electronics) (JS145C) (PAL) Skindiver (1983) (Sancho) (PAL).bin You can update the file for these. But please only using the short names, here e.g. Aquatek (1983) (PAL).bin. The other information belongs into the properties."

You said for me to report about wrong naming when using audit thus I had reported in previous reply. I see an information conflict about Dragon Fire.

Romhunter use Dragonfire (Cheese) (1982) (Imagic, Bob Smith) (720020-1A, IA3611, IA3611C) ~ Using rom rename tools (romcenter) doing an scan task using TOSEC and Nointro database the file Dragonfire (Cheese) (1982) (Imagic, Bob Smith) (720020-1A, IA3611, IA3611C) ~ is reported being Dragon Fire Imagic.

Stella see Dragonfire (Cheese) (1982) (Imagic, Bob Smith) (720020-1A, IA3611, IA3611C) ~ as being Dragon Treasure Funvision

For test I have analyzed "Dragon Fire" from some site and all roms are exactly the same rom checksum used by romhunter.

The file for TOSEC, Nointro, romhunter and some sites is Dragon Fire Imagic Stella is Dragon Treasure Funvision

In moment not touching images for Dragon Fire.

Unhappily Atarimania images are named using numbers. Thus I had that classify the files.

Now is much more easy ...

Temporarily using folders for better naming being \ Box front \ Box back \ Cartridge 1 \ Cartridge 2 \ Cartridge 3 \ Cartridge Label \ Miscellaneous

Catridge use 3 folders because has good images about cartridge. Cartridge front, alternate cartridge versions and rom inside. Miscellaneous are extra images being posters, ads, patches and etc.

Following the information from Stella changelog

"Updated internal ROM properties database to ROM-Hunter version 17 (thanks go to RomHunter for his tireless research in this area). Related to this, updated the snapshot collection."

roms from romhunter and after using Stella audit. After rename the images using the Stella database naming. Images using resolution low size will be resized. Convert to no progressive and naming adding an number in each file as you said to do.

Stella having images using numbers and loading with same rom name is better and is more faster than checking the checksum for each image.

continuing ...

thrust26 commented 2 years ago

You said for me to report about wrong naming when using audit thus I had reported in previous reply.

Sure, we will have a look at your info when time permits.

Regarding Dragon Fire/Treasure: Probably that's old data, which has to be corrected in Stella.

Images using resolution low size will be resized.

Stella can resize on its own, but that won't help. With too low resolution, the images will look very bad. IMO we should skip these.

Augusto7743 commented 2 years ago

I will analyze all games with naming "unknown" reporting here =)

Augusto7743 commented 2 years ago

Hey thrust26. You have Dragon Fire Imagic NTSC listed in Stella ? If yes please load that game and see if has Imagic logo and reply.

thrust26 commented 2 years ago

Don't think so. And where should the logo be?

Or do you mean this one?

Augusto7743 commented 2 years ago

"Or do you mean this one ?" Yes.

Have Imagic games with the company name being listed in bottom or in score area when the game is loaded. If you have Dragonfire being listed in Stella game launcher as being DragonFire NTSC version try load it and see if appear Imagic name. Is only for understand what is the correct if is Stella database naming or TOSEC and romhunter.

Stella have any command to create an dat file with the list of all games and checksum for use with rom tools (romcenter) ? I need analyze some games if have correct naming mainly the "unknown" games in Stella database.

thrust26 commented 2 years ago

Have Imagic games with the company name being listed in bottom or in score area when the game is loaded.

Definitely not all of them.

If you have Dragonfire being listed in Stella game launcher as being DragonFire NTSC version try load it and see if appear Imagic name.

The AA ROM is listed by Stella as Dragon Treasure (Funvision). I wouldn't trust the AA database, Al has more important stuff to do.

Is only for understand what is the correct if is Stella database naming or TOSEC and romhunter.

If in doubt, I would trust Romhunter

Stella have any command to create an dat file with the list of all games and checksum for use with rom tools (romcenter) ? I need analyze some games if have correct naming mainly the "unknown" games in Stella database.


-listrominfo | Print relevant contents of the Stella ROM database, one ROM per line, and then exit Stella. This can be used for external frontends. -- | --
Augusto7743 commented 2 years ago

"If in doubt, U would trust Romhunter" correct

Using stella -listrominfo not save an data file.

Stella database has 217 unknown roms from romhunter. Stella audit rename with "unknown", but 45 are identified =)

Air Raiders (1982)(Mattel - INTV - Aph Tech Consulting)(PAL) Air-Sea Battle (1977)(Atari)(NTSC)[h Graphics][o] Astro War (19xx)(Taiwan Cooper Black)(NTSC) Atlantis (1982)(HES)(PAL)(AU)[a] Bank Heist (1983)(Action Hi-Tech)(PAL)[Skull Island Label] Barnstorming (1982)(-)(PAL)[p] Bermuda (19xx)(Taiwan Cooper Black)(PAL)[aka Ground Zero] Berzerk (1982)(Atari)(PAL)[p] Berzerk (1982)(Atari)(PAL)[p][a] Blackjack (1977)(Atari)(PAL)[p] Boom Bang (19xx)(Quelle)(PAL)[aka Crackpots] Boxing (1981)(-)(PAL)[p] Brick Kick (198x)(-)(NTSC)[aka Peter Penguin - RJPG] Brick Kick (198x)(-)(PAL)[p][aka Peter Penguin] Bumper Bash (1983)(Spectravision)(PAL) Challenge (198x)(HES - Funvision)(PAL) Challenge of Nexar, The (1982)(Spectravision)(PAL)[p] Chopper Command (1982)(Supervision)(PAL)[p] Circus (1978)(Zellers)(PAL)[p][Joystick] Col 'N (198x)(Home Vision)(NTSC) Commando Raid (1982)(US Games)(PAL)[p] Cosmic Ark (1982)(Imagic)(PAL)[p] Cosmic Creeps (1982)(Telesys)(PAL)[p] Crackpots (1983)(Activision)(PAL)[p] Crackpots (1983)(Activision)(PAL)[p][a] Criminal Pursuit (198x)(Emag)(NTSC) Dancing Plates (1982)(Quelle)(PAL) Defender (1981)(Atari)(PAL)[p] Demolition Herby (1982)(Telesys)(PAL)[p] Demon Attack (1982)(Imagic)(PAL)[p] Dodge 'Em (1981)(Atari)(PAL)[p] Dragonfire (1982)(Imagic)(PAL)[p] Earth Dies Screaming (1983)(20th Century Fox)(PAL)[p] Enduro (1983)(Activision-Dactar)(PAL) Enduro (1983)(Activision)(NTSC)[p] Fire Spinner (198x)(Emag)(PAL) Fire Spinner (198x)(Emag)(PAL)[p] Fishing Derby (1980)(Activision)(PAL)[p] Flash Gordon (1983)(20th Century Fox)(PAL)[p] Fox & Goat (198x)(Starsoft)(PAL)[p] Galactic (198x)(Funvision)(PAL)[p] I.Q. 180 (198x)(HomeVision)(PAL) Robot Fight (19xx)(HomeVision)(PAL)[b][aka Space Robot] Vielfrass, Der (1983)(Starsoft - Qualle)(PAL)(DE)[a][aka Fast Food] Word Zapper (1982)(US Games)(PAL)[p][aka Word Grabber]

[a]= alternate [p] = unlicensed [o] = overdump

I will create an txt file with all files related with the roms above and games with wrong name.

Sears games are exactly the same rom used by Atari. I known only one Sear game not being originally from Atari. Atari roms has details about release number and "Atari-Sears". Is good add the Sears images scans too. No problem ?

Have a little more of work to do ... Atarimania images renaming was done. I need analyze the image resolution size comparing between images from Atariage and Atarimania. That's easy. Today the default is monitor full HD and are few images with resolution above 1024X1024. Need resize only for images with little resolution ?

thrust26 commented 2 years ago

Using stella -listrominfo not save an data file.

Yes, that's a problem with the console under Windows. Maybe you can grab the output directly. Else I can ask @sa666666 or @DirtyHairy to grab it for you.

I will create an txt file with all files related with the roms above and games with wrong name.

Great! And we need the MD5 of each ROM (or the ROMs).

Sears games are exactly the same rom used by Atari. I known only one Sear game not being originally from Atari. Atari roms has details about release number and "Atari-Sears". Is good add the Sears images scans too. No problem ?

I think we could use only one ROM and provide the info in Stella's properties. And then have Atari and Sears images for the ROM.

Need resize only for images with little resolution ?

No, Stella can resize on its own. Just very low resolution ones look ugly (and should be left out). And I doubt you can resize them into something better. Or can you?

Augusto7743 commented 2 years ago

"Yes, that's a problem with the console under Windows. Maybe you can grab the output directly. Else I can ask @sa666666 or @DirtyHairy to grab it for you." Here using Linux. Is possible terminal configuration to use unlimited lines the output of first lines

Cart_MD5|Cart_Name|Cart_Manufacturer|Cart_ModelNo|Cart_Note|Cart_Rarity|Cart_Sound|Cart_StartBank|Cart_Type|Cart_Highscore|Cart_Url|Console_LeftDiff|Console_RightDiff|Console_TVType|Console_SwapPorts|Controller_Left|Controller_Left1|Controller_Left2|Controller_Right|Controller_Right1|Controller_Right2|Controller_SwapPaddles|Controller_PaddlesXCenter|Controller_PaddlesYCenter|Controller_MouseAxis|Display_Format|Display_VCenter|Display_Phosphor|Display_PPBlend 000509d1ed2b8d30a9d94be1b3b5febb|Jungle Jane (2003) (Greg Zumwalt) (Hack)|Greg Zumwalt||Hack of Pitfall!|Hack|MONO|AUTO|AUTO|{"score_addresses":["0xd5","0xd6","0xd7"],"score_digits":6,"variations_count":1}||B|B|COLOR|NO|AUTO|||AUTO|||NO|12|12|AUTO|AUTO|0|NO|50 0060a89b4c956b9c703a59b181cb3018|Cakewalk (1983) (CommaVid) (PAL)|CommaVid, Irwin Gaines - Ariola|CM-008 - 712 008-720|AKA Alarm in der Backstube||MONO|AUTO|AUTO|||B|B|COLOR|NO|AUTO|||AUTO|||NO|12|12|AUTO|AUTO|0|NO|50 007d18dedc1f0565f09c42aa61a6f585|Worm War I (1983) (CCE)|CCE|C-843|||MONO|AUTO|AUTO|||B|B|COLOR|NO|AUTO|||AUTO|||NO|12|12|AUTO|AUTO|0|NO|50 008543ae43497af015e9428a5e3e874e|Qb (V2.09) (PAL) (2001) (Retroactive)|Retroactive||||MONO|AUTO|AUTO|||B|B|COLOR|NO|AUTO|||AUTO|||NO|12|12|AUTO|AUTO|0|YES|50

I having an rom dat from Stella is possible analyze better the roms from romhunter. romhunter has all roms available thus using Stella dat comparing with romhunter is possible save an list of "missing" roms in Stella database for analyze if really are missing. Not problem for me doing it. The list was done when renaming the image scans because had image scans with correct name and rom using an alternate name. I had wrote all the files name in an txt.

"Great! And we need the MD5 of each ROM (or the ROMs)." SHA1 too ?

"I think we could use only one ROM and provide the info in Stella's properties. And then have Atari and Sears images for the ROM." correct.

"No, Stella can resize on its own. Just very low resolution ones look ugly (and should be left out). And I doubt you can resize them into something better. Or can you?" images using little resolution are in miscellaneous ... are few images ... Atariage has the image resolution higher, but not much

thrust26 commented 2 years ago

Here using Linux. Is possible terminal configuration to use unlimited lines the output of first lines

Fine then.

I having an rom dat from Stella is possible analyze better the roms from romhunter. romhunter has all roms available thus using Stella dat comparing with romhunter is possible save an list of "missing" roms in Stella database for analyze if really are missing. Not problem for me doing it. The list was done when renaming the image scans because had image scans with correct name and rom using an alternate name. I had wrote all the files name in an txt.

So you are fine here, right?

"Great! And we need the MD5 of each ROM (or the ROMs)." SHA1 too ?


"No, Stella can resize on its own. Just very low resolution ones look ugly (and should be left out). And I doubt you can resize them into something better. Or can you?" images using little resolution are in miscellaneous ... are few images ... Atariage has the image resolution higher, but not much

I suppose these will get a high number, so it should be fine if they are towards the end of the image list.

Augusto7743 commented 2 years ago

Yes ... have games with correct naming being removed, but the "duplicate" not is the original game. Example Immies & Aggies CCE version is removed. The CCE version have the name CCE on screen.

"I suppose these will get a high number, so it should be fine if they are towards the end of the image list" correct.

thrust26 commented 2 years ago

..., but the "duplicate" not is the original game. Example Immies & Aggies CCE version is removed. The CCE version have the name CCE on screen.

Sorry, I do not understand.

Augusto7743 commented 2 years ago

romhunter have Immies & Aggies CCE (when loaded have the name CCE on screen) Stella auditing remove "Immies & Aggies CCE" because have an "duplicate" Have another Immies & Aggies version not being CCE, but Stella rename as being the CCE version thus the correct rom above is removed.

Augusto7743 commented 2 years ago


Total image pack is bigger than 550 MB. In moment trying optimize images with big file size and adding more some few images for miscellaneous.


You want that upload the files inside of folders to be more easy see ?

\ Box Front \ Box Back \ Cartridge 1 \ Cartridge 2 \ Cartridge 3 \ Cartridge Label \ Miscellaneous 1 \ Miscellaneous 2 \ Miscellaneous 3 \ Box Front Alternate \ Box Back Alternate \ Cartridge Alternate

Alternative images for Box Front, Box Back and Cartridge is for add images of alternate release versions Example Atari game > Sears version


I will send an txt file with an list of games having duplicates and wrong names. Your choice is avoid duplicate roms. Thus I recommend for all roms having duplicates to add the others versions names in rom file properties. When the user browse the game list in an game having duplicate will have information about others duplicates version.


A suggestion to implement ... Stella feature "Download Thumbnails" accessing internet to download the images. The image scan pack is bigger and has users with few roms thus not is good download an bigger file only for have few images and also I not understand if is simple to implement it. I not has resources or skill to add that feature. That can save traffic access.

I wait for your opinion and choice to see as proceeding

Have an nice day.

thrust26 commented 2 years ago

Total image pack is bigger than 550 MB. In moment trying optimize images with big file size and adding more some few images for miscellaneous.

Wow, that's a lot of material you collected. 👍 Size should be no problem today anymore.

You want that upload the files inside of folders to be more easy see ?

\ Box Front \ Box Back \ Cartridge 1 \ Cartridge 2 \ Cartridge 3 \ Cartridge Label \ Miscellaneous 1 \ Miscellaneous 2 \ Miscellaneous 3 \ Box Front Alternate \ Box Back Alternate \ Cartridge Alternate

Whatever you prefer. In the end they all will end in one folder.

Alternative images for Box Front, Box Back and Cartridge is for add images of alternate release versions Example Atari game > Sears version

Makes sense.

I will send an txt file with an list of games having duplicates and wrong names. Your choice is avoid duplicate roms. Thus I recommend for all roms having duplicates to add the others versions names in rom file properties. When the user browse the game list in an game having duplicate will have information about others duplicates version.


A suggestion to implement ... Stella feature "Download Thumbnails" accessing internet to download the images. The image scan pack is bigger and has users with few roms thus not is good download an bigger file only for have few images and also I not understand if is simple to implement it. I not has resources or skill to add that feature. That can save traffic access.

I do not think that is necessary. Probably we will offer two files. One with only one image per game and one with all images.

Augusto7743 commented 2 years ago

All right. Now verifying images with low resolution. If resizing "break" the quality the file will be removed.

"Probably we will offer two files. One with only one image per game and one with all images." I also want to add available images for homebrew and commercial demos if available, but after uploading current pack. Thus after uploading an update file is possible ?

thrust26 commented 2 years ago

Yes, update is possible and very likely to happen anyway. Or we add homebrews, demos etc. into an extra pack. @sa666666 What do you think?

Augusto7743 commented 2 years ago

all right ... continuing

Augusto7743 commented 2 years ago

About rename the file Is better add an number with 00 for images in sequence ?

Enduro NTSC.bin to Enduro NTSC_01.bin

In file metadata is good add the folder name for the correct type of image ? images in "box front" in metadata only add "box front ?

About uploading update pack ... You add in current image pack or add another file "update pack" ? Perhaps is possible see images with better quality than the current in image pack thus will replaced and also is good have all in one file.

I had posted in Atariage forums topics if have any homebrews and commercial demo roms pack or other type of similar information. Unhappily without reply. I wish add available images for homebrews and demos too. For that group de games is better another image pack file.

All right uploading in Mega server ?

Augusto7743 commented 2 years ago

I don't know github maximum upload file. Thus is possible upload in Mega and after an link here. I need understand if you want to add something in metadata. I need your reply for upload.

thrust26 commented 2 years ago

Have you tried to upload here? Else, please create a pull request containing your file(s).

Augusto7743 commented 2 years ago

Excuse me for the delay replying. Here since friday having problems with my internet provider. Dropping connection very much breaking browser download and upload access at point that much hard to access any site with only text. I will try upload in next days or in another computer.

The renaming images was done. Only need upload the file. Have much good images added. Box front, back, cartridge, cartridge label, cartridge rom, posters, patches, others miscellaneous and alternate images of the same game licensed for others companies.

That reply is for reporting the delay in upload file. Have an nice week.