stellar-deprecated / kelp

Kelp is a free and open-source trading bot for the Stellar DEX and 100+ centralized exchanges
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Add a bias to the weighting of buysell orders #774

Open scoobie-bot opened 1 year ago

scoobie-bot commented 1 year ago

// see sample feature request here:

Desired Behavior

// A succinct description of what you are trying to achieve that is not currently supported. // This can be a request for a new plugin too (strategy, price feed, exchange). // If your feature request is related to a problem with an existing feature then please submit a bug report instead. // If this feature does not exist anywhere else then please restrict details to the Specification section below.

I want to ... Be able to change the balance of % in the buysell strategy. i.e. spread=1% Set buys at 0.4% below mid Set sells at 0.6% above mid


// A succinct description of why you want the desired behavior specified above.

The desired behavior will allow me to gradually increase the price

Feature Suggestion

// A succinct description of how you want to achieve the desired behavior. // If you have looked at the code and know exactly what code changes are needed then please consider submitting a pull request instead. // If this feature does not exist anywhere else then please restrict any details to the Specification section below.

We can achieve the desired behavior by ...


// If your feature exists somewhere else then please provide links for reference.

This feature exists in ... and you can find a link to it here ... or This feature does not exist anywhere else, please see the specification section below for details.

Additional context

// Add any additional context here including any alternative solutions you considered (if any) and why you picked this particular feature to achieve your desired behavior.

Some alternatives that would achieve the same result are:

The feature suggested above was the better than these alternatives because ...


// If this feature does not exist anywhere else then please provide additional details here. // This can be as long and detailed as may be necessary.
