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Add [Stellar Plugins] #issuer GB77DS…SBLDVX #436

Closed stellar-expert-deploy closed 1 year ago

stellar-expert-deploy commented 1 year ago

Tags: issuer
Title: Stellar Plugins Domain:
Requested by @stellarraffle

Good Morning! It has come to my attention that my Stellar Plugins Project has been tagged as a scam on the Stellar Expert Explorer page. No such scam exists and no one can make any legitimate claim otherwise. The project itself is developing Wordpress plugins that will interact with the Stellar Blockchain to increase case use and we are having some success. Please remove the scam tag from this project as it will only greatly contribute to the Stellar Ecosystem.


CryptoHobbyist commented 1 year ago

Hello Sean @stellarraffle

The fact of the matter is that you have been involved in many scams. You might be correct in complaining that the warning might be better labeled "minted by documented Scammer". Facts: -The corporation you set up in Florida (living in Kentucky) has not been updated and you have failed to file any of the required reports for over two years and was dissolved by Florida more than a year ago. Yet you still claim being incorporated in Florida even with these newest "projects". That alone is illegal fraud that could be prosecuted through the state or various federal agencies. -You use a post box in a Staples in a strip mall in Florida (again living in Kentucky). Without a police warrant they will not verify that is currently being paid for by you. -You have no connection to the hotel in Key Largo that you minted falsified tokens about. -You have hijacked at least three Stellar projects ,that I am aware of, that you were the paid DEV for. -You have many other very questionable Stellar token projects that you created and have profited from, draining value from hundreds/thousands of unknowing investors.

If you feel these recent projects would be more accurately labelled "minted by documented scammer" that can be arranged. I would be interested in you providing a list of which of the many token projects you have created were just "unintentional mistakes" and which are legitimate.

We hope this will be the end of your fraudulent activities using the Stellar Blockchain.


stellarplugins commented 1 year ago

Hi Rob!

I've never made any claim to be associated with the Key Largo Inn. I just checked the TOML File data to be sure that I didn't give anyone that impression and I didn't. The project was and still is, an investment project into the motel itself which is listed for sale. To your point about my company being inactive in Florida, you are right and I'll have to remedy that so thank you for making me aware of that. It is also true that my company uses a post box as do many companies throughout the country and even the world.

I'm not aware of any projects that I've high-jacked so I'd appreciate any clarification you could provide there. It is also true that I've worked on many projects on the Stellar Blockchain. I have built projects for people on both a paid and unpaid basis. I will concede that every project I've participated in hasn't gone as hoped for so while criticism is warranted, it still isn't relevant to Stellar Plugins specifically.

So I think that's what I would appreciate your answer on the most. What specifically, makes Stellar Plugins a scam? Was any effort made on your part to test out the plugin before you decided that the project is fraudulent? Is the project a scam because you alone decided that the infrastructure is fake or because you have some personal angst for me?

It's perfectly acceptable that you, for whatever reason, don't like me or my business structure. And to be fair, it's criticism of a project that will either break it or strengthen it. It seems that if you alone get to be the arbiter in defining what a scam is and choosing what projects that it applies to, then that is contrary to the goal of decentralized and permissionless blockchain technology.

Stellar Plugins is not a scam. Stellar Pay Bridge works just fine. Even tagging it as a scam on the Stellar expert page doesn't change that fact.


CryptoHobbyist commented 1 year ago

Hello again Sean @stellarraffle, As you have stated any tagging on a 3rd party service like Stellar Expert has no effect on any of the activities on the blockchain. The purpose for Stellar Expert is to help people find information about the Stellar Blockchain. It also wants to help make the Stellar blockchain safer for the many users of this service. When people are able to be better informed about dangers it is better for them and the services they use.

I do believe that a tag of "minted by documented scammer" would be more informative. The 3 token projects, that I have been directly contacted about, that you have hijacked are Veteran Cuts, StellarInvestor, and Cannabis. There could be others but I have not gone on beyond the founders reporting your activities. Some of the things you have done are, but not limited to, demanding more unarranged payments and then locking out the founders, Counterfeiting Tokens, not giving control back to websites, and more punitive activities. I was informed that you stopped such activities against the Veteran Cuts project when they informed you about the legal action they were proceeding concerning you if you did not cease and desist.

I am hopeful there are, but can you give two or three examples of any projects that are over six months that the original founders have control of the website and that you have not minted Counterfeits?

In the last four months there have been many facts gathered like I listed in my first reply that warrant a warning to anyone thinking about investing in projects you are involved with.

Hoping you will not continue setting up "projects" on the Stellar blockchain, Rob

stellarplugins commented 1 year ago

Hi Rob!

Thanks for clarifying those allegations. Unfortunately, being informed, and being investigative, are vastly different subjects. I'll address them in order for your further review so you can more accurately assess the veracity of their claims.

The lady behind the Veterans Cuts Project asked me to build the "Cuts" asset for her which I did. You can reference I launched the asset for her here.

As you can see from the transaction history, after building the asset, I transferred all of the asset to her in less than 2 hours according to the transaction history. At best a day or so after this launch, I purchased the domain on Dynadot when she hired me to build her a website which was problematic since she had admin access to it (it was a Wordpress build) and kept rearranging things. At no point did she threaten any legal action because well just look at the transaction history. I sent her the asset in 2 hours. I would venture a guess that any proof of her allegations didn't accompany her informing you. The time from launch until she received the assets simply does not suggest any ill will at that point.

What happened with this project is directly tied to the next allegation, hijacking Stellar Investor.

I personally bought the Stellar Investor domain and had it under development when I invited your friend to join me on a project. Our original goal was to build out a mobile phone project under the Stellar Mobile brand. He took over the management of the project and no offense intended, he managed to drive it into the ground. That's when he actually joined Stellar Investor itself. Your friend solicited and accepted personal money from the lady on the Cuts Project. You can verify this by looking through their transaction history, too. Just in case you don't have their account history, I'll add them below.

Hers is:

His is:

It happened sometime in mid-November of last year. When I found out through the lady who has the Cuts Project that your friend had accepted personal money from her, I ended my working relationship with him. I did, however, make arrangements with him on the dissolution of Stellar Investor and kept all of the emails to document this arrangement. If you would like to have them forwarded to you for your review, I'll be happy to do that.

Now on to Cannabis. This was, is, and always will be my exclusive project, first and foremost, and literally, no one can make any legitimate claim otherwise. I do have someone who acts as Project Manager on it, and I don't mind sharing that information with you privately, either. When I built Cannabis, I didn't know anyone on Stellar, nor did they know me. You do, of course, have my account and you can backtrack it to determine when I first started interactions with the people who are "informing" you.

My remarks in a prior message helped me think, so I appreciate this opportunity to present my side of the story. It was denied to me until now and the last I remember, you have my email and both of my phone numbers, I believe, so you could have asked me privately about this. I have been studying on how to strengthen my Stellar Plugins project and to your credit, you have helped me do it. As Stellar Plugins goes into full launch, the only form of payment that the site will accept for products sold there is the Plugin Asset.

Between the transaction history and the emails that I kept, I can prove most of what I've written here. I do ask that you weigh it against allegations where no proof can possibly exist. Just because you like someone doesn't make them right, nor does the fact that you seemingly dislike me mean that I'm wrong. I don't necessarily fault you for reaching the conclusion that you did with both of them making accusations. It's unfortunate, though, that you took them at face value without any real investigation of facts where no proof was offered, or apparently even asked for.

If you would like those emails, you are welcome to email me. They speak to the facts as much as the transaction history does.

Thanks! PS. Stellar Plugins still isn't a scam.

CryptoHobbyist commented 1 year ago

What about minting counterfeits of CUTS and other tokens of assets that infringe on the real asset's brands, logos, names, associations, or trademarks? Key Largo Inn is just one that you have mentioned so far.

stellarplugins commented 1 year ago

Hi Rob!

That's simply not true. I did not issue a CUTS asset other than the one I issued for that lady. It didn't happen. And I didn't offer a mention of Key Largo Inn. You made a statement asserting that I made a claim of ownership to the property and I only stated that I didn't and checked the TOML file data to make sure that I didn't have anything that could have been interpreted that way. As far as any brand infringement, I will concede that it's possible. I've built alot of assets for a lot of people.

I do not issue copycat assets. I never have and again, no proof exists that I have. To be clear, and you can verify this on the blockchain, I issued the original CUTS and sent that amount to the lady. I did it on Oct 8th of last year. This is the issuing account and you can verify the date and transaction history there. GA63KVKMUMCVQQP6TQYAV626M2UWRZNIHOCCGWM7SG43DTL64F5CGRKO

Now you can verify this asset and track where it went in 2 minutes.

It was the 1st CUTS on Stellar and then search CUTS more generally and you'll see that every single one of them that launched after that all track back to your friend. The only CUTS asset that I issued was sent to that lady within 2 hours. These are facts that everyone reading this can easily trace if they will take that 2 minutes and look for themselves. If the definition of minting a counterfeit asset as launching an identical asset to copy an existing cryptocurrency, and I'm reasonably certain that it is, then it's your friend who is the scammer and/or counterfeiter and all of his projects tagged as scams. I'll look directly to see if that's happened but I suspect that is not the case.

People can and do lie, even to their friends. The immutable transaction history of blockchain does not. Instead of trying to fortify a position that can't withstand blockchain scrutiny, please consider researching all of the CUTS histories that I suggested.

Thanks! PS. Stellar Plugins is still not a scam.

stellarplugins commented 1 year ago

Hi Rob!

I just wanted to touch base with you on your other request regarding 2 or 3 other assets for projects that I launched that I didn't hijack and its a reasonable request so I'll a just a few of them below.

  1. AURC
  2. AURC 2
  3. AURC 5
  4. AURC 10
  5. AURC 20
  6. AURC 50
  7. AURC 100
  8. BRRC
  9. BRRC 2
  10. BRRC 5
  11. BRRC 10
  12. BRRC 20
  13. BRRC 50
  14. BRRC 100
  15. CARC
  16. CARC 2
  17. CARC 5
  18. CARC 10
  19. CARC 20
  20. CARC 50
  21. CARC 100
  22. CNRC
  23. CNRC 2
  24. CNRC 5
  25. CNRC 10
  26. CNRC 20
  27. CNRC 50
  28. CNRC 100
  29. INRC
  30. INRC 2
  31. INRC 5
  32. INRC 10
  33. INRC 20
  34. INRC 50
  35. INRC 100
  36. NZRC
  37. NZRC 2
  38. NZRC 5
  39. NZRC 10
  40. NZRC 20
  41. NZRC 50
  42. NZRC 100
  43. RURC
  44. RURC 2
  45. RURC 5
  46. RURC 10
  47. RURC 20
  48. RURC 50
  49. RURC 100
  50. UKRC
  51. UKRC 2
  52. UKRC 5
  53. UKRC 10
  54. UKRC 20
  55. UKRC 50
  56. UKRC 100
  57. USRC
  58. USRC 2
  59. USRC 5
  60. USRC 10
  61. USRC 20
  62. USRC 50
  63. USRC 100
  64. FED
  65. SVM

These were all assets that I issued in a legitimate good-faith effort for a client. Any research into these assets will clearly show that in every single instance, I transferred these assets to that client after they were built, almost immediately and always within hours of them being built.

The distributor account for all of these assets is:

Now, the facts speak loudly about the accusations that I hijack projects. Instead of 2 or 3 examples, I have listed a total of 65 times for your review, that I built an asset for a client and transferred those assets which are easily proven through the immutable transaction history of blockchain technology.

Now, to be clear, these assets all have a few things in common. First, I personally built them at the request of a client. I build projects for people around the world and do so as a part of my business model. Second, and I believe that everyone who researches will come to find this remarkable, (and quite suspicious) is the fact that none of these assets have been tagged as a scam even though they can all be directly traced back to my Stellar Account. Third, and most importantly, is the fact that the client that I built all of these assets for is the exact same person who claims that I hijacked Stellar Investor, who is your friend. Yes, that distribution account belongs to your friend, the guy who accepted personal funds privately from that lady who was an investor in our project.

So, it turns out that your friends don't get assets tagged as scams on Stellar Expert. I understand your quandary here. To admit that you didn't know, even if a few people actually believed you, (most won't) that would still give you the appearance that you are in no way qualified to research assets. That is actually the better of your options since the other one is a more accurate conclusion that you are a shill for your friends and offer personal protection on Stellar Expert Explorer.

To your point, and I'll quote,

"The purpose for Stellar Expert is to help people find information about the Stellar Blockchain. It also wants to help make the Stellar blockchain safer for the many users of this service. When people are able to be better informed about dangers it is better for them and the services they use."

I believe that to be true when it was launched. That stopped having any legitimate basis when you chose to start tagging assets as scams without any proof or independent research, based on unfounded and unverified claims. By using personal bias to guide your actions on Stellar Expert, you turned an awesomely effective tool into a now nearly useless weapon.

I do agree that "minted by documented scammer" would be a helpful addition to Stellar Expert in a truly unbiased environment. As it is, though, perhaps "Protected By Rob The Cryptohobbyist!" is likely the much better tag for the assets belonging to your friends while you continue to participate in Stellar Expert and shill for your friends.

Thanks! PS. Stellar Plugins still isn't a scam!

CryptoHobbyist commented 1 year ago

This is my personal list of very questionable domains used to mint tokens and facts about them. Any assistance to gather correct information is appreciated. Some of these you knowingly helped people mint.

stellarplugins commented 1 year ago

Hi Rob!

To clear the air, I have never unknowingly helped anyone launch an asset. I was 100% aware of my actions. After looking at your list, I can see that is on it. That was my project that never gained traction so I have the domain listed for sale on Huge Domains and there are no sell offers up for the asset. I burned the issue in its entirety on Feb 17 of this year, so a month ago. You can review this transaction here and note that I included the memo "project ended". I knowingly built this project and ended it in the manner described.

I'm not so sure how you can legitimately claim it's a scam since I permanently ended the project and burned the entire asset but I still believe that you are firmly in the bag for your friends and are just shilling for them. It's the only reasonable conclusion to reach with the facts of the transaction history for this asset.

I also see on the list and it's my project. You claim that the social media links are fake when every single one is indeed an actual functioning social media link for the project. While it is true that I used Generatepress and Generatepress Premium on Wordpress to build the website, it is in no way a copy of Stellar Investor which is a custom Laravel Build. Your suggestion otherwise is provably false and again suggests personal bias in favor of your friends. I also knowingly built this project and I fully assert responsibility for it. It's in no way a scam.

I recognize a few others on your list. Some of them I am just an investor in. One that I knowingly built is under It was built for a client and while I am responsible for the issuance of the asset, neither the asset nor the project itself is under my control. I see BRICS is on the list. I didn't build or launch the asset. I am invested in it and I believe that the asset belongs to your friend though I can't say that with certainty. GFUEL is there. I built that one for a client, too. The asset isn't under my control and the project isn't under my management, either.

There could be others that haven't made your list and likely will with your amateurish method of research without any time spent verifying information and on independent research. All in all, there is very little that I do recognize on the list and I find it suspect since you have put it together. No offense, you simply lack the qualifications to independently research assets due to your tendency to be influenced by the words of your friends and not the immutable data that the transaction history of blockchain technology represents.

In my every response, I've answered you with Stellar Accounts and Transaction Histories anywhere I could to help you and Stellar Plugins is still listed as a scam. Additionally, instead of spending your time reviewing verifiable information in an effort to verify any of these accounts and transactions, you are still just trashing projects that I've worked on. I don't quite get why you are choosing to turn Stellar Expert into a cesspool of lies, and misinformation, and cast shade on your friends' assets but in all fairness, you don't seem to care for my business model, either.

At this point, I believe that I just have to recognize that any engagement with you is a waste of my time, and yours. You have given every indication of personal bias and lack any real capacity for independent research who will inevitably become a known shill for his friends' assets.

I did note that the link that you posted has the following warning from Google at the top of the page on it regarding your file.

"This file looks suspicious. It contains links that might be used to steal your personal information."

That, of course, makes perfect sense.

Thanks! PS. Stellar Plugins is still not a scam! 2023-03-19

stellarplugins commented 1 year ago

Hi Rob!

After further review, I'd like to update the projects that I recognize.

  1. is my domain. Your suggestion that it is in any way knowingly involved in any scam or illegal activities is as absurd as it is false. Creating a meme token is in no way a scam and a great deal of people like them.

  2. is mine and does redirect to Stellar Investor. It is also true that when someone uses the platform to build their own custom asset they will need to use their secret key to sign the transaction. This is also the process for all automated methods to build custom assets.

Here's a handy Stellar site for your future reference regarding asset creation. You should study it, and every official Stellar page, for that matter, to advance your knowledge of how Stellar works.

It is also true that the Stellar Investor wallet requires a secret key to sign in to use it. StellarTerm also has this as the exclusive sign-in method. This allows for legitimate defi anonymity since no actual email and password registration is required to use the wallet, just the key which is never stored or revealed during login. To that point, many wallets use this method.

What else is true is that you are still actively protecting your friends' assets from being listed as scams. I'm not in any way suggesting that they are and I built them in good faith. Still, if your standard for listing an asset as a scam is guilty by association with me, then it's already a proven double standard under the "rules for thee but not for me" principle.

Thanks! PS. Stellar Plugins is still not a scam!

Time-Stamped commented 1 year ago

Ya know, the proof is certainly in that immutable data pudding so to speak.

stellarplugins commented 1 year ago

Hi Rob!

You, my good man, are truly awesome. After a very brief review this morning, I can see that you are still protecting your friends' assets and trashing on everyone else. Good Show!

Thanks! PS. Stellar Plugins is still not a scam!

Time-Stamped commented 1 year ago

How is this closed?

stellarplugins commented 1 year ago

Guy's a shill for his friends is why it's closed. I proved him wrong and I'm still scam tagged.

PS> Stellar Plugins is not a scam!