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[SPIKE] Investigate converting SDS to react-native-web #1679

Open piyalbasu opened 6 days ago

piyalbasu commented 6 days ago

We're looking to build Freighter Mobile and one of our optimistic goals is to generate a mobile version from the existing codebase. The theory is if we can repurpose the current UI for the mobile version, we'd just have to swap in a different data store for mobile. This would allow is to only have build UI elements once and keep parity between web and mobile. A multiplatform React framework called react-native-web could help us do this.

In our last look at this, we discovered one of the main stumbling points is that SDS does not play well with react-native-web. We would basically need to re-write all of our existing SDS styles into react-native-web compatible styles, which defeats the purpose of using our current UI

Acceptance Criteria

Let's look at what the effort is to convert SDS v3 to react-native-web.

aristidesstaffieri commented 3 days ago

Some of the artifacts from the last time we did a spike on this -

RFC - Research - POC - - (this is going to be very far behind the tip of master but should show the attempted changes)