stellar / helm-charts

Helm charts for deploying SDF maintained software
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soroban-rpc: disable persistence support #55

Closed jacekn closed 1 year ago

jacekn commented 1 year ago


Temporarily hide persistenct support in the soroban-rpc chart.


Persistence is not fully tested at this stage so we'd like it to be less visible at this stage.

sreuland commented 1 year ago

@jacekn , @tsachiherman , I tested this chart on soroban-rpc-futurenet-dev, this had a prior deployment of rpc direct from a manifest. First I deleted the entities from that deployment, then checked out this pr locally and installed the chart onto cluster:

$ helm install -f rpc_values.yml --namespace soroban-rpc-futurenet-dev dev-soroban-rpc ./charts/soroban-rpc/

I changed and persistence.enabled=true in values.yml and confirmed the deployment had the values. rpc service was operational. I manually deleted the pod, and watched the restart, it worked on persistent volume which had files from prior instance.

looks great! I think for upcoming soroban release, as part of release steps related to first time/boot strap, we just need to manually delete the prior resources from manifest deployment in soroban-rpc-futurenet-prd, then ensure this 0.1.0-beta.1 chart is deployed to the stellar repo, and run helm install, likely need to build and specify a new rpc image for the preview10 tag on soroban-tools also and specify that image version in values.yml as image.sorobanRpc.tag