stellar / js-xdr

Read/write XDR encoded data structures (RFC 4506)
Apache License 2.0
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Fix Buffer for node v10 deprecation #16

Closed robertDurst closed 6 years ago

robertDurst commented 6 years ago

@bartekn for other buffer node deprecation PR I updated travis so that it used node 10 in the matrix. However this has a different travis setup. How can I make sure travis tests against node v10?

bartekn commented 6 years ago

@bartekn for other buffer node deprecation PR I updated travis so that it used node 10 in the matrix. However this has a different travis setup. How can I make sure travis tests against node v10?

In here we need to use matrix because we also need to set environment variable (SAUCE). You can think of node_js field in .travis.yml in js-xdr as a one dimensional matrix. So this should do it:

- 6
- 8
- 10
- lts/*

lts/* actually checks latest LTS release (which is currently 10) but let's leave both 10 and lts/* for future LTS releases.