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fee_meta_xdr doesn't have a default decoder when looking at a transaction object #179

Closed MonsieurNicolas closed 3 months ago

MonsieurNicolas commented 7 years ago

fee_meta_xdr doesn't have any type associated with it in the transactions endpoint: it should be LedgerEntryChanges, current workaround is to copy paste its value into the XDR decoder and use OperationMeta that happens to be the same type (on the wire).

vcarl commented 5 years ago

Is this still a problem? I'm not really sure how to reproduce this, I'm not very familiar with the XDR types.

MonsieurNicolas commented 5 years ago

Looks like it's fixed, closing

bartekn commented 4 years ago

I can't see LedgerEntryChanges in the list.

MonsieurNicolas commented 4 years ago


Mmmm, I think it was fixed. I didn't take a screenshot of the good behavior at the time.

it's still defined in the xdr, this didn't change:

typedef LedgerEntryChange LedgerEntryChanges<>;
lmorgan824 commented 3 years ago

Hi, As of stellar-sdk 6.2.0, latest via npm, this still throws an exception.

const meta = stellar-sdk.xdr.TransactionMeta.fromXDR(fee_meta_xdr, "base64"); Error: XDR Read Error: Unknown LedgerEntryChangeType member for value 33078660


janewang commented 3 months ago

This is closed as in v2 we are using XDR to JSON