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errors "create claimable balance/adds 7 zeros to amount #995

Closed tdixon1000 closed 2 months ago

tdixon1000 commented 3 months ago

What version are you using? V2

What did you do? create claimable balance

What did you expect to see? always worked for V1, amounts was correct, if 1 then 1 if 10 then 10

What did you see instead? amount is plus 7 zeros in string, if 1 then 10000000, if 10 then 100000000...Do not know if RPC URL is correct, errors, didn't need to add RPC URL in V1, always work correctly, can not create claimable balances anymore...

tdixon1000 commented 3 months ago

I can not complete operation after submitting, errors ,errors...As said, the RPC URL is a new wild card....

janewang commented 3 months ago

@tdixon1000 Are you using this page for claimable balances or transaction submission page?

tdixon1000 commented 3 months ago

This page? this page is where I'm posting of the new V2 is not working like V1 did or anymore....

tdixon1000 commented 3 months ago

obviously I'm at stellar lab/build transactions V2

quietbits commented 3 months ago

@tdixon1000 You want to see the entered amount in the XDR instead of just the raw amount. Do I understand your request correctly?

Here's a PR that will allow you to submit transactions using Horizon (no RPC URL required). It should be merged this week.

Lab v2 image

Lab v1 image

janewang commented 3 months ago

I spoke with @sdfcharles last evening about the rendering of the amount. He agrees with the suggestion we discussed @quietbits

yes we should show like what the old lab has amount: 10.0 (raw 100000000)

tdixon1000 commented 3 months ago

So you're saying XDR should show plus 7 zeros?

tdixon1000 commented 3 months ago

if that is not an issue then great, but I still get error to complete anything as this URL needed for mainnet is a stumper and can only guess that is what is stopping my transaction for a claimable balance

tdixon1000 commented 3 months ago

still failed, must be the network issue/URL

Transaction failed Error result: { "message": "Network Error", "name": "AxiosError", "code": "ERR_NETWORK", "config": { 15 items "transitional": { 3 items "silentJSONParsing": true, "forcedJSONParsing": true, "clarifyTimeoutError": false, }, "adapter": [ 3 items "xhr", "http", "fetch",

quietbits commented 3 months ago

Submitting a transaction with a "create claimable balance" operation worked for me on the mainnet via Horizon. It failed via RPC, though, and the error wasn't clear. Maybe a CORS issue?

@tdixon1000 , could you please try to submit it using Horizon? We pushed that update last night, so the Horizon option is back. :tada: The error you're getting looks similar to what I got using RPC.


quietbits commented 3 months ago

Re: the amount. It is correct with all those extra zeroes in XDR. We'll update it to show the actual value like in Lab v1 soon. The amount submitted is correct. Here's an example of a claimable balance I created with the amount 0.0123.

Claimable balance details image

Transaction XDR image

tdixon1000 commented 3 months ago

Yes, that would be helpful to be 1 to 1 on the zeros, anyone would look at that and say, huh? As I did and thought it was a buggy thing causing issues....

I'll figure out the Horizon thing and give it a try...

On another note....I just remembered, I've always had done my work off my iPhone, I noticed I couldn't anymore with V2 as the screen interface was all unmanageable to make anything happen...what is up with that?

tdixon1000 commented 3 months ago

Ok, the Horizon switch worked, thanks !

quietbits commented 3 months ago

On another note....I just remembered, I've always had done my work off my iPhone, I noticed I couldn't anymore with V2 as the screen interface was all unmanageable to make anything happen...what is up with that?

Yes, we'll make it response so that it can be used on mobile. Here's an issue for that:

Thanks for your feedback, @tdixon1000 ! Please let us know if you notice anything else.

tdixon1000 commented 3 months ago

perfect, thanks again