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zkvm: batch trait for deferred point operations #342

Closed oleganza closed 5 years ago

oleganza commented 5 years ago

Currently musig::DeferredVerification and zkvm::PointOp perform allocations per each operation, and then we have to "unzip" a collection of these operation objects into two iterators: scalars and points.

A better approach would be a trait for an "accumulator" of batched operations verify_batch(..., &mut BatchTrait) that lets user choose their own implementation for batched verification. Internally, it will use a single storage for all the elements, reducing allocations to O(1) per batch (or at worst O(log(n)) if not pre-allocated with capacity).

Different crates may use slightly different traits. E.g. schnorr/musig crates use one static point B, and therefore can have an API that treats it special and pre-multiplies and pre-adds scalar weights for that point. At the same time, zkvm::Predicate uses two static generators: B and B_blinding, so its trait may have separate API for specifying weights for these points. The end user (zkvm::Verifier) could use a single batch computation object that implements both traits (for signatures and predicates) and stores all points and scalars in the unified, yet efficient, form.

oleganza commented 5 years ago

Done in #341