stellar / soroban-example-dapp

End-to-End Example Soroban Dapp
Apache License 2.0
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LambdaHackWeek: Update Local Deployment with Docker Workflow #158

Open Julian-dev28 opened 5 days ago

Julian-dev28 commented 5 days ago

Please add PRs to the update-P21 branch

Description: Update the existing Docker workflow for the Soroban Example Dapp to ensure it is up-to-date, efficient, and easy to use. This includes updating dependencies, improving the Dockerfile, and enhancing the Docker Compose setup.


  1. Review and Update Dockerfile:

    • Review the current workflow in the README
    • Review the current Dockerfile for outdated dependencies and configurations.
    • Update the Dockerfile to use the latest versions of dependencies.
    • Optimize the Dockerfile for better build performance and smaller image size.
  2. Update Docker Compose Configuration:

    • Review the existing docker-compose.yml file.
    • Update service definitions to ensure compatibility with the latest versions.
    • Add any missing services or dependencies that are required for the Dapp.
  3. Improve Documentation:

    • Update the documentation to reflect the changes made to the Dockerfile and Docker Compose configuration.
    • Provide clear instructions on how to build and run the updated Docker containers.
    • Include troubleshooting tips and common issues.
  4. Test Updated Workflow:

    • Thoroughly test the updated Docker workflow on different operating systems.
    • Ensure that the application runs smoothly within the updated Docker containers.
    • Identify and resolve any issues that arise during testing.
  5. Automate Docker Processes:

    • Review existing automation scripts and update them as needed.
    • Ensure that the automation scripts are easy to use and well-documented.
    • Test the automation process to ensure reliability.

Expected Outcome:

Why This Is Important: Updating the Docker workflow will ensure that the Soroban Example Dapp remains compatible with the latest dependencies and runs efficiently. This will improve the development experience, making it easier for contributors to set up and work on the project, and ultimately enhance the overall quality of the Dapp.