stellar / supercluster

Stellar-core integration test automation tool
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Formalize and publish performance evaluation methodology #170

Closed marta-lokhova closed 20 hours ago

marta-lokhova commented 1 month ago

This issue tracks completing and documenting a performance evaluation framework to measure maximum theoretical throughput of the Stellar network. A couple of items here:

bboston7 commented 4 weeks ago

I've got a few initial questions that'll help me with the docs:

  1. Who is the intended audience for these docs? Devs? Users? Someone else?
  2. Related to (1), do the docs need to cover setup of infrastructure required to support supercluster (such as how to install/configure kubernetes)? Or can we assume that the reader already knows how to do that?
  3. I'm not sure what the hardware/cloud requirements are. Can someone please point me to those?

Also tagging @MonsieurNicolas and @anupsdf as they were in the slack thread that spawned this ticket.

anupsdf commented 4 weeks ago

The linked issue has more context around this but adding some information here,

  1. Who is the intended audience for these docs?

This is for anyone trying to benchmark various blockchains and verify the max TPS the chains claim to support. The docs here could allow anyone to verify that the published max TPS on Stellar network is accurate.

  1. do the docs need to cover setup of infrastructure required to support supercluster?

Good point! We could add links to install any software used for the verification.

  1. hardware/cloud requirements

The benchmark tests can use high performance machines to support higher CPU and bandwidth

anupsdf commented 3 weeks ago

For maximum theoretical throughput of the Stellar network, we probably would not want to use the 50-50 blended traffic that is used in the max TPS mixed classic+Soroban mission. We can pick classic payment Ops.