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Updated Inventory System: Implement Warehouse Stocks at date tab (use case 1) #30

Open playcock opened 3 weeks ago

playcock commented 3 weeks ago

Feature Request

Implement a new tab for the Warehouse card called Stocks at date Confluence references:

Use case

User Stories 1 in the docx was provided by Logan. Other User Stories are covered in other GitHub Issues (#31 #32 ) - Inventory System Development Sheet.docx

As a user, I want to be able to go into the warehouse listing and select a date that will then display all warehouse stock and sale values at that date. From this list, I want to then be able to go into each warehouse and see what products were present in that warehouse at that moment, showing the total cost and sales value of each product in that warehouse.

Suggested implementation

See warehouse card design. Currently, it has 4 tabs, but in the drawing I added a 5th tab called Stocks at date based upon what is being asked. This Stocks at date tab can accomplish what you are looking for:

It will show every product within our system and will report a zero if there’s no products in that warehouse. But I think having zero quantities might find a use from time to time. I suggest we add a filter to hide/show the zero quantities.

Having the hide/show zero quantities checkbox filter will:

I think that the excel sheet button will automatically do this after the above changes are made. If it does not, we will look into making this happen.

Additionally, we would want to program it so that you will be able to export an excel sheet. Preferably using the 3rd party module DoliExportList (already installed).

Warehouse Card Design Untitled-1-Recovered

Suggested steps

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playcock commented 3 weeks ago

@rkapur-sbb @sbhattacharjee-sbb The Inventory System Development Sheet.docx is provided for historical purposes not the scope of work. The true scope to this request is in the issue description.

playcock commented 3 weeks ago

@rkapur-sbb @sbhattacharjee-sbb Which GitHub project sounds best to do work out of it? Should we create a new one?