stellare-modular / vcv-link

Ableton Link module for VCV Rack
GNU General Public License v3.0
66 stars 15 forks source link

Stellare Link crashes Ableton Live on macOS when loading an Ableton Set containing VCV Rack plugin with Stellare Link in the patch #14

Open pgatt opened 7 months ago

pgatt commented 7 months ago

User had previously saved Ableton projects containing Stellare Link which provides Ableton Link functionality within Rack.

User on Rack Pro 2.4.1 macOS x64 inside Ableton Live on macOS 14

Thread 0 Crashed:: MainThread Dispatch queue:
0   ???                                            0x0 ???
1   Live                                   0x103a9a30c 0x1025d4000 + 21783308
2   Live                                   0x103a9a242 asio::execution_context::service* asio::detail::service_registry::create<asio::detail::deadline_timer_service<asio::detail::chrono_time_traits<std::__1::chrono::system_clock, asio::wait_traits<std::__1::chrono::system_clock>>>, asio::io_context>(void*) + 34
3   plugin.dylib                           0x176e5c347 asio::detail::service_registry::do_use_service(asio::execution_context::service::key const&, asio::execution_context::service* (*)(void*), void*) + 215
4   plugin.dylib                           0x176e5c089 ableton::platforms::asio::AsioTimer::AsioTimer(asio::io_context&) + 73
5   plugin.dylib                           0x176e56fc3 ableton::link::Controller<std::__1::function<void (unsigned long)>, std::__1::function<void (ableton::link::Tempo)>, std::__1::function<void (bool)>, ableton::platforms::darwin::Clock, ableton::platforms::stl::Random, ableton::platforms::asio::Context<ableton::platforms::posix::ScanIpIfAddrs, ableton::util::NullLog>>::Controller(ableton::link::Tempo, std::__1::function<void (unsigned long)>, std::__1::function<void (ableton::link::Tempo)>, std::__1::function<void (bool)>, ableton::platforms::darwin::Clock, ableton::util::Injected<ableton::platforms::asio::Context<ableton::platforms::posix::ScanIpIfAddrs, ableton::util::NullLog>>) + 2195
6   plugin.dylib                           0x176e53d2b ableton::Link::Link(double) + 507
7   plugin.dylib                           0x176e53913 LinkPeer::attachModule() + 67
8   plugin.dylib                           0x176e531ad Link2::Link2() + 493
9   plugin.dylib                           0x176e52f0f rack::plugin::Model* rack::createModel<Link2, Link2Widget>(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char>>)::TModel::createModule() + 31
10  libRack.dylib                          0x1718fd02c rack::engine::Engine::fromJson(json_t*) + 236
11  libRack.dylib                          0x17184f961 rack::patch::Manager::fromJson(json_t*) + 721
12  libRack.dylib                          0x17184e1cd rack::patch::Manager::loadAutosave() + 285
13  libRack.dylib                          0x171841bdb rack_loadPatch + 59
14  plugin.dylib                           0x170d8b41d RackPlugin::RestoreState(void const*) + 141
15  plugin.dylib                           0x170d84415 ausdk::AUMethodSetProperty(void*, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, void const*, unsigned int) + 101
16  AudioToolboxCore                    0x7ff80698fc62 AudioUnitSetProperty + 494
17  Live                                   0x104bfc84a 0x1025d4000 + 40011850
18  Live                                   0x104bf4dc1 0x1025d4000 + 39980481
19  Live                                   0x103a5e988 0x1025d4000 + 21539208
20  Live                                   0x103a5e728 0x1025d4000 + 21538600
21  Live                                   0x103a6f4ad 0x1025d4000 + 21607597
22  Live                                   0x103a410a9 0x1025d4000 + 21418153
23  Live                                   0x104d11e89 0x1025d4000 + 41148041
24  Live                                   0x104dab8b7 0x1025d4000 + 41777335
25  Live                                   0x104dab63d 0x1025d4000 + 41776701
26  Live                                   0x104da7841 0x1025d4000 + 41760833
27  Live                                   0x104d0f774 0x1025d4000 + 41138036
28  Live                                   0x104d18e5a 0x1025d4000 + 41176666
29  Live                                   0x1037dd7c2 0x1025d4000 + 18913218
30  Live                                   0x1037dbf9e 0x1025d4000 + 18907038
31  Live                                   0x103551401 0x1025d4000 + 16241665
32  Live                                   0x103550f78 0x1025d4000 + 16240504
33  Live                                   0x103766263 0x1025d4000 + 18424419
34  Live                                   0x1037581c1 0x1025d4000 + 18366913
35  CoreFoundation                      0x7ff80491c65e __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_BLOCK__ + 12
36  CoreFoundation                      0x7ff80491c597 __CFRunLoopDoBlocks + 396
37  CoreFoundation                      0x7ff80491b3f6 __CFRunLoopRun + 901
38  CoreFoundation                      0x7ff80491aa69 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 557
39  HIToolbox                           0x7ff80f64c9d9 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 292
40  HIToolbox                           0x7ff80f64c616 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 201
41  HIToolbox                           0x7ff80f64c531 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 66
42  AppKit                              0x7ff807e840c5 _DPSNextEvent + 880
43  AppKit                              0x7ff808775150 -[NSApplication(NSEventRouting) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 1304
44  AppKit                              0x7ff807e7563a -[NSApplication run] + 603
45  Live                                   0x103765601 0x1025d4000 + 18421249
46  dyld                                   0x209e413a6 start + 1942

Full crash report: Stellare Link crash report..txt