Currently there are only a set of example rule files for Kubernetes. There should be an official list of default rules that can be applied to k8s along with a way to call this via the command line.
What I'd like to see:
--- system example ---
config-lint -kubernetes example-files/config
--- docker example ---
docker run -v $(pwd):/foobar stelligent/config-lint -kubernetes /foobar/example-files/config
This feature already exists for Terraform, it would be nice to add k8s to the same functionality without needing to provide a custom set of rules to test k8s configurations.
Currently there are only a set of example rule files for Kubernetes. There should be an official list of default rules that can be applied to k8s along with a way to call this via the command line.
What I'd like to see:
This feature already exists for Terraform, it would be nice to add k8s to the same functionality without needing to provide a custom set of rules to test k8s configurations.