stelligent / dromedary

Sample app to demonstrate a working pipeline using Infrastructure as Code and AWS Code Services
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Generate Jenkins AMI if it doesn't exist #55

Open PaulDuvall opened 8 years ago

PaulDuvall commented 8 years ago

Determine if Jenkins AMI exists and it’s the correct version; otherwise, it will launch Packer. Jenkins is maintained in

dnguyen9 commented 8 years ago

Jenkins AMI and jenkins-instance.json only describes for us-east-1 region. this will fail if it is launch in any other region

PaulDuvall commented 8 years ago Correct. The AMI needs to be updated for all supported CodePipeline regions, not all AWS regions, since this solution runs on CodePipeline. As of today, this is us-east-1 and us-west-2. Although, the Jenkins AMI runs from so it'll be updated there and support more regions. But, when consumed from Dromedary, it'll support the CodePipeline regions.

dnguyen9 commented 8 years ago

Paul, can you confirm the security settings on ? it seem it's not public.

PaulDuvall commented 8 years ago

@dq922 Done. Sorry about that. I'd uploaded some new changes and didn't change the default permissions