stelligent / mutato

Repo formerly known as mu-cdk. A.K.A Mu2. Pronounced: mew-tah-toe
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CFN ChangeSets are failing #57

Open scottnixonjr opened 4 years ago

scottnixonjr commented 4 years ago

Deploying the mutato-example-basic app.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Make changes to the index.html
  2. commit changes, update github.
  3. Branch triggers the Pipeline deployment.
  4. Verify if changes to index.html by opening the Http endpoint in the CFN Output section.

The deployed version on each ECS Service are from the 1st successful deployment.

The Pipeline shows success on both stages. However, the CFN ChangeSets are failing. The submitted information didn't contain changes. Submit different information to create a change set.

Minor details that might be helpful. 1st deployment - original file without changes. 2nd deployment - added paragraph “The name is an x-files reference” 3rd deployment - added “3rd Deployment” Here is repo I’m deploying.

3p3r commented 4 years ago

I discovered why it's not updating your deploys. the images are being pushed to ECR, I am using the latest tag in the service definition. therefore the underlying ECS cluster is not updated. I fixed it in will bundle it in a patch release soon.

3p3r commented 4 years ago

the "ChangeSets are failing" part is normal. because there were no actual changes, the change set generation fails.

3p3r commented 4 years ago

I believe I have fixed this issue in the develop branch, specifically within the following commits:

Here is how I tested:

  1. I emptied our dev account
  2. I made a develop branch over at
  3. I used the current stelligent/mutato:develop image to deploy the branch clean
  4. I pushed this commit and waited for pipeline to finish
  5. verified that nginx is showing the right content
  6. I pushed this commit and waited for pipeline to finish
  7. verified that nginx is showing the right content

I'll let @scottnixonjr test it again clean before closing this issue and merging into master.

scottnixonjr commented 4 years ago

I was able to deploy an update to the existing Stack.