Would it be possible to add clearer error in certain specific cases, for instance : when you try to POST an entitiy without [] to a batch endpoint (such as /entityOperations/create), stellio gives the following error :
"type": "https://uri.etsi.org/ngsi-ld/errors/InvalidRequest",
"title": "The request associated to the operation is syntactically invalid or includes wrong content",
"status": 400,
"detail": "Cannot deserialize value of type `java.util.ArrayList<java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object>>` from Object value (token `JsonToken.START_OBJECT`)\n at [Source: REDACTED (`StreamReadFeature.INCLUDE_SOURCE_IN_LOCATION` disabled); line: 1, column: 1]",
"instance": "/ngsi-ld/v1/entityOperations/create"
Which is not really explicit on this simple mistake
Is it possible tp add specific error details in such specific cases (for example: detail: "Payload sent to a batch endpoint must be an Array" or something like that) ? This is a small mistake and such details would be useful.
Add an API troubleshot section on Stellio RTD with a list of common errors (messages) and a short explanation of what is the reason of the error and how to fix it
Remove what is now in the title member (same as type) and move the details content to title
Use the now free details member to add a link to the API troubleshot section
Would it be possible to add clearer error in certain specific cases, for instance : when you try to POST an entitiy without [] to a batch endpoint (such as /entityOperations/create), stellio gives the following error :
Which is not really explicit on this simple mistake
Is it possible tp add specific error details in such specific cases (for example: detail: "Payload sent to a batch endpoint must be an Array" or something like that) ? This is a small mistake and such details would be useful.