stemount / cloutbot

A useful Discord bot that lets you validate people who help, contribute and thank with a star.
5 stars 2 forks source link

Minimum reputation #15

Open JackBocresion opened 3 years ago

JackBocresion commented 3 years ago

We've been discussing the fact that we want this project to be open source and in different languages, but what if we made 1 official version, and allowed for one central DB to control reputations. we could make a certain role allow for bot management on servers, and managers could create reputation limits for their servers, so only people with a certain reputation or above can join. if somebody with a lower rep joins, they simply get a dm form the bot and get kicked :)

stemount commented 3 years ago

@sleepybear1x I really like this idea.

I'd like to extend this idea/discussion to make sure that we don't exclude folks from Discord communities just because you've only just stumbled upon Discord that day etc, however I think it's pretty fair to say "Hey, sorry, this server requires 15 Rust Brownie Points or whatever... you can earn them [here]"

But, this feature would be great for want I want to get out of Discord, I would like to have an "open invite" server where your contributions in other servers gain you entry to smaller tribes essentially.