stempler / bnd-platform

Build OSGi bundles and Eclipse Update Sites from existing JARs, e.g. from Maven repositories (Plugin for Gradle)
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Source Bundle for current gradle Project #8

Closed bartdag closed 8 years ago

bartdag commented 8 years ago

Hi, I am trying to generate a source bundle for my current gradle project, but I am not sure how to proceed. The bundles and updateSite tasks create a bundle/feature/update site for the jar defined in my project, but it does not create a corresponding source bundle.

I am using bnd-platform 1.3 and gradle 2.11 on Java 8 (Mac OSX).

My platform config:

platform {
    bundle project
    bnd(project) {
        fetchSources = true
        symbolicName = 'py4j-java'
        bundleName = 'py4j-java'
        version = bundleVersion
        instruction 'Eclipse-BuddyPolicy', 'global'
        instruction 'Import-Package', '!'
        instruction 'Export-Package', 'py4j,py4j.commands,py4j.model,py4j.reflection'
        instruction 'Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment', 'JavaSE-1.6'
        instruction 'Bundle-Description', 'Bridge between Python and Java'
        instruction 'Bundle-DocURL', ''
        addQualifier = true
        eclipseHome = new File(eclipseHomePath)
        featureId = 'org.py4j.feature'
        featureName = 'Py4J Library'
        featureVersion = bundleVersion
        featureProvider = 'Py4J'
        categoryId = 'py4j'
        categoryName = 'Py4J'

The sources jar generated for my project:

task sourcesJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: classes) {
    classifier = 'sources'
    from sourceSets.main.allSource

artifacts {
    archives sourcesJar
    archives jarTests
    archives javadocJar

Thank you for this great gradle plug-in!

stempler commented 8 years ago

I admit I never tried adding a Java project directly to the platform. Really awesome that it actually works like this :grinning:

Does the rest work fine? i.e. are the instructions correctly represented in the bundle manifest?

Some of the settings you specify in the bnd-Closure are actually plugin settings, I'm not sure if they will work properly in there. Could you move those up to the platform call like this?

platform {
    fetchSources = true

    addQualifier = true
    eclipseHome = new File(eclipseHomePath)
    featureId = 'org.py4j.feature'
    featureName = 'Py4J Library'
    featureVersion = bundleVersion
    featureProvider = 'Py4J'
    categoryId = 'py4j'
    categoryName = 'Py4J'

    bundle project
    bnd(project) {
        symbolicName = 'py4j-java'
        bundleName = 'py4j-java'
        version = bundleVersion
        instruction 'Eclipse-BuddyPolicy', 'global'
        instruction 'Import-Package', '!'
        instruction 'Export-Package', 'py4j,py4j.commands,py4j.model,py4j.reflection'
        instruction 'Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment', 'JavaSE-1.6'
        instruction 'Bundle-Description', 'Bridge between Python and Java'
        instruction 'Bundle-DocURL', ''

Can you provide a link to a repo for your project? Then I might be able to take a look during the weekend how this could be made to work (if the configuration change does not help).

bartdag commented 8 years ago

Hi, thanks for your quick response. I admit I discovered how to add a java project directly to the platform after many trials and errors :-)

I moved the settings but it still did not create a source bundle. You can see the whole project here: (the gradle config is in the gradle branch for now).

You can build the project like this:

cd py4j-java
gradle assemble
gradle bundles
gradle updateSite

As far as I can tell, the osgi bundle is valid and I can import it in Eclipse and other plugins can use it.

bartdag commented 8 years ago

Hi, did you have time to look into this issue? Thanks!

stempler commented 8 years ago

Hi. I had a look at it. The mechanism that I use for getting the sources seems to only work for external dependencies. At this point I'm not sure how I could find the source Jar for the project based on the dependency.

A workaround is the following:

bundle tasks.jar.outputs.files, {
  bnd {
configurations {
  platform {
    extendsFrom compile

I tried this on your project with success, see my fork here: The way you added the dependency is definitely the more elegant way, I'm open to ideas to include the source Jar in a different way, using the Gradle API.

bartdag commented 8 years ago

Thanks a lot for you help, that seems to work. I'm not familiar with gradle subprojects, but would having a global project that depends on subprojects (e.g., py4j that would depend on py4j-java and py4j-python) makes it look like an external dependency?

stempler commented 8 years ago

No, that would still be project dependencies, with transitive project dependencies probably complicating it more. I did a few more attempts yesterday to solve the issue in a better way, but always had problems when it came to resolving sources for project dependencies. As a workaround I tried also letting the bundles task depend on the install task, and adding the dependency by group and name to the platform configuration. That was a way of trying to externalise it. But that failed because it seems to be a conflict to have an external dependency that is the same group and name as a project. Thus externalising it is probably only possible when using two different builds.