stempler / gradle-versioneye-plugin

Plugin for Gradle to update your project's dependencies status on
MIT License
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Changing does not update GA of VersionEye project #19

Closed sslavic closed 8 years ago

sslavic commented 8 years ago

Using id 'org.standardout.versioneye' version '1.2.0' plugin, after changing, and running versioneye-update task, VersionEye project GA did not get updated.

stempler commented 8 years ago

@reiz Is that update supposed to happen when posting to /v2/projects/{project_id}? If yes, might that be fixed by implementing #9?

stempler commented 8 years ago

My tests seem to confirm that this is an issue with the API, the updated name in the uploaded pom.xml or pom.json is ignored. @reiz Can you give any feedback if it's intended that way or confirm that it is a VersionEye API bug?

reiz commented 8 years ago

@stempler Yes. Currently the name from the pom.json is ignored. That's by design. Because if you rename your project via the VersionEye web interface you don't want it to get reseted by fresh uploads through the API.

sslavic commented 8 years ago

@reiz maybe versioneye server could keep separate information - was project renamed in server or not. When plugins try to update project in VersionEye, if project wasn't renamed in server then use/apply name from pom.json, and ignore it if project was renamed in server.

stempler commented 8 years ago

@reiz But project name and GA seem to be separate - I can change the name, but not the GA, so maybe the GA should be updated via the pom.json?

stempler commented 8 years ago

Closing this because this is an issue with the behavior of the VersionEye API and not the plugin.