stencilproject / Stencil

Stencil is a simple and powerful template language for Swift.
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Passing string argument with `=` on the end injects a `1` instead of the content of the arg #308

Closed batonPiotr closed 1 year ago

batonPiotr commented 3 years ago

I use Stencil with following params (where PROJECT_NAME is the name of the project I am working on):

./Pods/Sourcery/bin/sourcery --templates ./PROJECT_NAME --sources . --output ./PROJECT_NAME --args password="$BACKEND_PASSWORD",login="$BACKEND_LOGIN"

The stencil file looks like this: public let backendCreds = BackendCredentials(login: "{{ argument.login }}", password: "{{ argument.password }}")

and produced output looks like this: public let backendCreds = BackendCredentials(login: "CORRECT_VALUE", password: "1")

BACKEND_LOGIN contains a = at the end of the string. When I remove it, it works fine. When I echoe the value just right before this command, the printed string is correct, so the variable contains the correct string too. It must be broken somewhere afterwards.

djbe commented 1 year ago

I've tried reproducing your issue with the following test, and it works as it should, I'm not getting the 1 value you're getting:

func testBug() throws {
  let template: Template = """
  public let backendCreds = BackendCredentials(login: "{{ argument.login }}", password: "{{ argument.password }}")
  let result = try template.render(["argument": ["login": "Kyle", "password": "blabla="]])

  try expect(result) == """
  public let backendCreds = BackendCredentials(login: "Kyle", password: "blabla=")

Are you using Stencil on your own, or within another tool such as Sourcery or SwiftGen? If so, the issue may be there. ~Seeing as you're using arguments makes me think this may have something to do with the StencilSwiftKit parameters parser.~