causata est a sensibili \supplied{ut} ab agente est \sameword{in} sensu ut \sameword{in} subiecto,
et eodem modo \edtext{\sameword[1]{in} proposito: Intellectum \sameword[1]{in} actu et
\sameword[1]{in}tellectus dicuntur \sameword[1]{idem}}{\lemma{\sameword{in} \dots{}
\sameword{idem}}\Bfootnote{\emph{om.} Aguin.}}, quia species intellecti \sameword{in}
The \sameword[1]{in}tellectus causes the compilation to break with the following error
! Missing number, treated as zero.
<to be read again>
The false positive problem is still not fixed, it seems.
causes the compilation to break with the following errorThe false positive problem is still not fixed, it seems.