step-up-labs / firebase-database-dotnet

C# library for Firebase Realtime Database.
MIT License
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Attribute to specify the Key (ID) #320

Open sact1909 opened 1 month ago

sact1909 commented 1 month ago

Create an attribute that allows the user to specify the Key property to use as ID when post a new object in case someone wants to use his datatype key structure as Guid, AutoEnum etc...

Example Model Class

public class TodoItem
    public Guid ID {get;set;}
    public string Title { get; set; }

await firebaseClient.Child("Todo").PostAsync(new TodoItem
    ID = Guid.NewGuid(),
    Title = "This is a Text"

Result in Firebase RealTiem Database

      "Title":"This is a Text"
sact1909 commented 1 month ago

I guess I could work on this if you allow me to do it