stepancheg / grpc-rust

Rust implementation of gRPC
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Have service methods return a `Future<T>`. #99

Open thedodd opened 6 years ago

thedodd commented 6 years ago

To accomplish this, there will have to be a decent number of backwards incompatible changes, but moving towards long-term stability and interoperability with the async I/O ecosystem, this may be a HUGE win. Some of the biggest benefits:

I know it is not as simple as this. The grpc lib here has a lot of code built up around not returning Result types. But I wanted to at least get the discussion started. I would rather put in the work on this project as opposed to start a completely new project.

stepancheg commented 6 years ago

I'm not sure I understand.

Result is now Future or Stream.

AFAIU, these two declarations should be equivalent:

trait MyService {
    fn foo(&self) -> Future<MyReturn, MyError>;
    fn foo(&self) -> Result<MyReturn, MyError>;

(Unfortunately, I couldn't verify it, because compiler reports error when I use #[async] in trait).

So trait signatures in grpc are async now. And ideally you should be able to choose async/await or direct future/stream implementation, and it doesn't matter which style declaration is.

(And even if it wouldn't possible to implement function with Future signature with #[async], you can always use async_block!).

C10K is possible now, because functions are async, as I said.

crackcomm commented 6 years ago

What is the benefit of returning Result as opposed to a Future? I can't see any, more than that - I see it as harmful for the interfaces - ServiceAsync? I think we just recently got rid of that.

crackcomm commented 6 years ago

error type coercion could be defined and then used in handlers for better error handling and propagation.

I am not sure I understand but futures are defined as Future<Item=T Error=E> whereas results are defined as Result<T, E> and both contain the same error type information.

for gRPC patterns of error handling where the error is embedded in the response type (way more flexible), this would still work. Wouldn't be able to use ? though.

gRPC error codes could be returned either using a Result or a Future type.

the async/await ecosystem seems to be depending upon #[async] methods having a return type of Result. Aligning with this will help in achieving C10K+ level throughput with these services.

I am not completely sure I understand what do you mean but maybe you are more concerned about scheduling of these futures on the server?

thedodd commented 6 years ago

Hey all, thanks for getting back with me. All solid feedback, and after reviewing your comments a few times, I am left with a few questions & a few things I need to test. A few things are still up in the air:

AFAIU, these two declarations should be equivalent:

@stepancheg in principal I agree, however:

(Unfortunately, I couldn't verify it, because compiler reports error when I use #[async] in trait).

Yea, I will need to do some additional testing as well (needs to be on nightly, of course), just to ensure there are no edge cases we are overlooking.

Just to expound on a few points (which I should have clarified in my original comment):

The essence of this issue is focused on alignment with the direction that async/await is going in rust (I know it is not stable yet, but mostly trying to generate discussion and todo items for this), and the futures-await effort seems to be a source of truth on that front.

So, @crackcomm

What is the benefit of returning Result as opposed to a Future?

The return type definitely should be Future. I've updated the title to reflect that.

The items that are outstanding then:

andrenth commented 6 years ago


I feel like I’m missing something here, so apologies if this is a stupid question.

I understood this issue was a request to switch from {Single,Streaming}Response to a Result<...> type in rpc methods in service traits. Is that correct?

The answers seem to indicate this is already possible, but looking at the library code, I don’t see how.


thedodd commented 6 years ago

@andrenth the idea is that if you choose to use nightly & enable proc macro, conservative impl trait & generators as described here, then you can simply decorate one of your handlers with #[async] and it will transform your Result into a Future.

** Disclaimer, theoretically this should work with the gRPC system here, but per my comments above, this remains to be tested. Please report your findings if you get around to doing this.

(UPDATE): tested. Does not work. As response types do not actually impl Future.

andrenth commented 6 years ago

@thedodd Yeah, I understood that idea, but currently handlers return SingleResponse or StreamingResponse, not Result. That's why I'm confused.

thedodd commented 6 years ago

Yea, both types of futures. The question that needs to be answered is if the compiler will coerce our Result type (which is already being coerced into a Future when the function is decorated with #[async]), into the appropriate SingleResponse or StreamingResponse future.

Need to test and find out where the walls are. Hopefully I’ll be able to do so as well soon.

thedodd commented 6 years ago

Hopefully I am answering your question effectively.

andrenth commented 6 years ago

I think I see what you mean now. They're not futures exactly, but newtypes for futures. What you're trying to find out is if the #[async] decorator will see through that.

thedodd commented 6 years ago

Yea, looks like they are thin wrappers around GrpcFuture. Could be problematic.

thedodd commented 6 years ago

So, it has been quite some time since this discussion was started.

Per the discussion we had going above, the return type of the services (E.G., those which return a SingleResponse, same with the other response types), are not actually futures. They are just structs which wrap a future, but are not actually futures.

So, as of now, we can not actually decorate service request handlers with #[async] or #[async(boxed)]. E.G.:

/// *NOTE:* the return type here is neither a `Result` nor a `Future`.
/// It is a struct wrapping a `Future`, but itself does not impl `Future`.
fn create_project(&self, opts: RequestOptions, req: CreateProjectRequest) -> SingleResponse<CreateProjectResponse> { ... }

Per the above example, decorating the fn with #[async] would break due to the fact that the return type no longer conforms to the generated grpc code. Moreover, decorating and updating the return type to be a result (or any other type), breaks for the same reason.

So, to state this succinctly, if we were to update the various response types to implement Future themselves, then interop with async/await is g2g.

All in all, I should update the title to be Have service methods return a `Future<T>`. If this change were to be made, then we could use async/await out of the box with this framework.

autrilla commented 5 years ago

Has there been any progress on this? I'd be willing to put time into it and send a patch if I had some guidance on what's acceptable. Is modifying the service trait functions to return a Future<T> acceptable?

thedodd commented 5 years ago

@autrilla I’ve been using a workaround. Basically I’ve been having the service impl methods call private methods which are async, and then wrap the future in the SingleResponse type or the appropriate stream type from the service impl method.

This has been working pretty well, and has allowed for significantly more robust error handling.

Once the response types are restructured to use futures, then we won’t need private async methods anymore.

As far as framework progress in this front, haven’t seen any movement yet.

autrilla commented 5 years ago

@thedodd thanks a lot for the response. I'm not sure I understand how you wrap the future in the SingleResponse. Do you just manually create the SingleResponse with ::new, adding the metadata in yourself?

thedodd commented 5 years ago

@autrilla yea, there are a few options you have there, but that is the idea. Manually construct the needed response object. Add the future and any metadata that you need.

There are a few options that you have for constructors. I find myself using SingleResponse::no_metadata quite a lot. With this approach, you just pass in the future, and you’re g2g.

thedodd commented 5 years ago

Given where async/await is at, and futures 0.3 (plus the core::future trait), might be a good time to put together a nightly branch which uses tokio (as opposed to tokio-core [old]), futures 0.3 & async/await.


stepancheg commented 5 years ago

FYI, I'm currently trying to rewrite grpc-rust API to do stream+sink interface instead of stream+stream.

(It's on my laptop now, unfinished)

So, basically, the signature of bidi method for both client and server is:

fn bidi(request: Stream<Req>) -> Stream<Resp>

and will be

fn bidi(req: Stream<Req>, resp: Sink<Resp>); // for serverto implement
fn bidi() -> (Stream<Req>, Sink<Resp>); // for client

This way it will be more similar to grpcio crate implementation and I think easier to use.

After this work is done with can think of switching to futures 0.3.

thedodd commented 5 years ago

@stepancheg nice. Glad to hear it. So, it may actually be best to cut over to tokio (away from tokio-core) first before making the change to Futures03, as tokio-core is deprecated and its repo is archived.

After that, cutting over to Futures03 may be a bit easier because tokio already has some amount of support for working with Futures03 and even with async/await. Moving to tokio would make things much easier I would say.

Also, is there anything I can help out with @stepancheg? At this point, I definitely have a vested interest in this crate, and would be happy to help out.

stepancheg commented 5 years ago

@thedodd if you are willing to help, there are basically four areas for improvements:

rust-protobuf is in more or less good shape, it has a list of open issues, pick any.

rust-http2 and rust-tls-api code is messy, not well tested, undocumented, and requires improvements. So you can just open any of these projects and do whatever you think makes the code better. And I should create a list of issues for those projects.

rust-http2 is very important because it does all heavy lifting for rust-http2, grpc-rust itself is a thin layer over rust-http2.

And help is very appreciated.

thedodd commented 5 years ago

@stepancheg what are your thoughts on The tower-grpc folks are also using it for their up-and-coming gRPC framework via the crate.

We might be able to leverage it here. That would get us off of tokio-core and onto tokio. Seems like that is what would actually need to happen either way. Either rust-http2 gets updated to move to tokio or we just move this crate onto h2. Thoughts?

stepancheg commented 5 years ago

@thedodd the project started because rust-http2 code quality is very bad according to the author (he is correct).

Once I tried to write a benchmark to compare its performance to rust-http2, and immediately found a bug in h2 by simply executing in a loop an example provided by the project, which was very disappointing to me, because problem reproduced 100% times, and test case was trivial. Now that bug is fixed, I need to try it again, but I'm afraid more bugs exist in it.

Anyway, I'm planning to do another iteration of performance comparison.

BTW, what are the reasons to move to newer tokio and futures 0.3? I probably missed something.

thedodd commented 5 years ago

what are the reasons to move to newer tokio and futures 0.3?

A few reasons:

EG, the issue that I am most concerned about is that, even today, using any of the modern futures based crates out there requires tokio not -core. So spawning new futures from within a grpc handler in this crate today essentially requires you to use a futures::sync::oneshot pattern to get the future onto a tokio pool.

If tokio was being used by this system, a user normally wouldn't have to worry about spawning new futures, as the default tokio executor would be used. Big win for ergonomics.

stepancheg commented 5 years ago

@thedodd is futures 0.3 compatible with stable rust?

thedodd commented 5 years ago

Not yet. It is currently held behind the #![feature(futures_api)] feature.

IMHO, cutting over to tokio as the first order of business would probably be a wise move. It runs on stable, works with Futures01 (tokio plans to support both), and would achieve immediate interoperability with the rest of the rust ecosystem.

Thanks for all of the discussion, @stepancheg. I definitely don't mean to heap all of this onto your shoulders or anything, to be sure.

stepancheg commented 5 years ago

@thedodd in that case switching to tokio would be the right thing, I guess

thedodd commented 5 years ago

Well, I will do a code deep-dive tomorrow and see if I can put together a high-level analysis and plan of attack so that we can all coordinate and such. I'll go ahead an open a new ticket tomorrow with the results of that deep-dive. I'll close this issue tomorrow as well and then link this issue to the new one.