The Dash app provides visualizations and statistics on the number of suicides and suicide rates for different age groups and genders in different countries.
consider wrapping the body of your site in a dbc.Col object and setting an offset of say 3 and width of 6 so that on large screens it doesn's go super wide, it can be difficult to read/interpret the visulaizations with them full width and they appear large enough already to be compressed
I find the pie charts hard to compare countries in terms of proportions, consider just changin it to a line plot with each country a different line and have points large to indicate there are discrete data points, i.e. age range categories.
consider making the 4 countries optional to have one filled in and be able to leave one blank
Peer Review - @tieandrews
Name of the app: suicideWatch Link to the repo: Link to Dash App: Link to the file where there is the description of the persona and scenario: