stepci / garph

Fullstack GraphQL Framework for TypeScript
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Augment resolved types with internal properties #90

Open lorefnon opened 5 months ago

lorefnon commented 5 months ago

So, not sure if this is a bit of esoteric use case, but I'd like to have an API that enables me to augment the object types defined through garph with some internal properties.

These properties are not exposed in the graphql schema, but will be enforced by typescript to be present in the values returned by the resolvers and will be expected to be available in the parent object passed to field resolvers.

The API I am thinking of is something like below, but obviously I will also be happy with any alternative approaches that effectively facilitate this.

export const BookT = g.type("Book", { 
    // Exposed properties:
    chapters: g.ref(ChapterT).list(),
    // Internal properties:
    contentHash: string

type BookModel = Infer<typeof BookT, {
    internal: true
// { chapters: Chapter[], contentHash: string } 
//^ This is what the resolvers will need to return and any field resolvers of book will receive 

type Book = Infer<typeof BookT>
// { chapters: Chapter[] }
//^ What is exposed to the outside world 

Just to be clear, this feature is primarily about enabling this in type-safe manner. I can already return an object with arbitrary additional properties and use them in field resolvers in plain js.

This is trivially easy to achieve in libraries like Microprofile GraphQL or TypeGraphQL where the DTO classes are authored by developer and fields are selectively exposed to the outside world through decorators/annotations.

Some other graphql implementations like java-graphql and dotnet chillicream library have a concept of subtree context or scoped context which is a slightly roundabout way to address this by selectively propagating some context to child resolvers. GraphQL.js also has an open issue for this.

However this approach is a bit harder to make type-safe and most common cases where we want to propagate some additional information to child resolvers is easily solved by having some additional fields in the parent object.

mishushakov commented 5 months ago

Why not this instead:

export const BookT = g.type("Book", { 
    chapters: g.ref(ChapterT).list(),
    contentHash: g.internal<string>()
type BookModel = Infer<typeof BookT, {
    internal: true

One question I have though: Do the internal properties have to be resolved?

lorefnon commented 5 months ago

I don't mind g.internal. But it may not be so obvious that this works only inside an object type and nowhere else. Eg. what happens if I use contentHash: g.internal<string>() inside an input object definition - do we make it throw at runtime?

Do the internal properties have to be resolved?

Yes, in the sense that any resolver that returns Book must return the associated internal properties too. And any field resolvers that receive Book as parent must receive them. I don't think separate field resolvers for internal properties would make sense though.

lorefnon commented 5 months ago

Actually it may not be so hard to statically disallow it. Let me fiddle around and see.

mishushakov commented 5 months ago

What's the use-case of internal then? Is it just to hide it from the schema definition (like private property?)

lorefnon commented 5 months ago

Yes, basically to propagate some internal details from parent object to field resolvers.

mishushakov commented 5 months ago

Can you see my PR here: Does it work the way you want?

lorefnon commented 5 months ago

Hi, yeah. This looks great.

Only caveat I can see is that we are now able to do something like this:

const addrFilterType = g.inputType('AddrFilter', {
  name: g.string(),
  id: g.internal<string>(),

If this is done, the args passed to resolver now has an id property but it is impossible to supply that id so it will result in a runtime error instead of a type error if the resolver uses it.

mishushakov commented 5 months ago

Can't reproduce. Can you give me a full example, where the runtime error occurs?

lorefnon commented 5 months ago

Yes, this is a modification of your internal.ts example.

mishushakov commented 5 months ago

I can make the internal fields undefined there, but if you want to completely exclude the property, then your approach was actually better, but the implementation would be different, like how implements and extend is now implemented (but without actually adding the properties to schema)

lorefnon commented 5 months ago

In, I updated your branch to allow internal properties only inside object types.

This retains g.internal but attempting to use it anywhere outside an object type will result in reasonably understandable type error:


mishushakov commented 5 months ago

Hey, looks nice, maybe a bit over-engineered, maybe šŸ˜. I'm still thinking of use-cases or code examples where this feature could be really useful? I appreciate the community adding new things though šŸ™

lorefnon commented 5 months ago

Thanks @mishushakov. For example/use-case, we can consider the following query:

query fetchUserBalance {
    user(email: "") {
        accountBalance {

To resolve this I lookup users table with email, the returned user row has a stripe_id col. Then in accountBalance resolver, I make a request to stripe using this stripe_id and fetch the user's current balance.

To enable this the user object returned from user resolver should include the stripe_id column value, and the parent object that accountBalance resolver receives should have that too, but we may not want to expose the stripeId as a field in the exposed User type because use of stripe is an internal detail and exposing it can have security repurcussions.