Hey @stephancasas 👋 I'm on Sonoma 14.1 (23B73) RC. First time I ran the Workflow, it errored out with:
Was easy to guess the problem, on my system AppleInterfaceStyle doesn't seem to exist in my NSGlobalDomain. Even manually setting it to "Dark" and then back to "Light" in Sysprefs didn't change things:
$ defaults read -g AppleInterfaceStyle
2023-10-24 08:38:42.826 defaults[65397:6990884]
The domain/default pair of (kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, AppleInterfaceStyle) does not exist
So, I set the Workflow manually to "Light" and it works great (amazing workflow btw 🎉 ) Seems like this is the same problem... maybe you can trap for that and avoid the error?
Hey @stephancasas 👋 I'm on Sonoma 14.1 (23B73) RC. First time I ran the Workflow, it errored out with:
Was easy to guess the problem, on my system
doesn't seem to exist in my NSGlobalDomain. Even manually setting it to "Dark" and then back to "Light" in Sysprefs didn't change things:So, I set the Workflow manually to "Light" and it works great (amazing workflow btw 🎉 ) Seems like this is the same problem... maybe you can trap for that and avoid the error?
Here's my System Settings → Appearance btw