stephane-caron / pink

Python inverse kinematics based on Pinocchio
Apache License 2.0
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Add linear holonomic constraint task #42

Closed shbang91 closed 1 year ago

shbang91 commented 1 year ago
stephane-caron commented 1 year ago

Great! I'll take a look at the code and give you proper feedback today.

The robot mesh takes too much space, so just wonder if we can include this model in the robot_description repo.

Absolutely, I was going to suggest the same. The best would be to make a standalone repo for Draco3's description, then link it from robot_descriptions following these steps.

stephane-caron commented 1 year ago

One complaint from the linter: a few Black checks don't pass, you can either check the logs, or run black locally on

shbang91 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the feedback. I've cleaned up the code based on your suggestion (I used the black). Once the pull request in the robot description repository gets accepted, I'll modify the draco3 example here and then do another pull request, if that sounds okay.

stephane-caron commented 1 year ago

I'll modify the draco3 example here and then do another pull request, if that sounds okay.

Making another PR without the robot description in the commit history sounds good :+1:

Alternatively, we could continue this PR and do a single squash commit in the end. The only thing we don't want to do is merge this PR with the robot description in its commit history (otherwise the robot description will be downloaded by all future pulls of the repo).

shbang91 commented 1 year ago

Alternatively, we could continue this PR and do a single squash commit in the end. The only thing we don't want to do is merge this PR with the robot description in its commit history (otherwise the robot description will be downloaded by all future pulls of the repo).

I like this idea. Thank you for bringing this up.