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Le but de cette issue est de rassembler des ressources au sujet des frameworks agiles qui conseillent la formation d'équipe autonome #386

Open stephane-klein opened 6 months ago

stephane-klein commented 6 months ago

Le but de cette issue est de rassembler des ressources au sujet des frameworks agiles qui conseillent la formation d'équipe autonome.

stephane-klein commented 6 months ago

Dans Scrum Guide French - novembre 2020 :

Éléments secondaires :

stephane-klein commented 6 months ago

Éléments secondaires :

stephane-klein commented 6 months ago

Quels objectifs individuels au sein d'une équipe agile ?

stephane-klein commented 6 months ago

Product Owner : quel est son rôle ? (PO Scrum Guide)

stephane-klein commented 6 months ago

Product Owner AGILE / Scrum vs Product Manager

stephane-klein commented 6 months ago

Charte d'équipe : poser le cadre d'équipe Scrum, propice à la performance via l'auto-organisation

stephane-klein commented 6 months ago

Backlog Produit - Il n'y a pas que le PO qui écrit des User Stories !

stephane-klein commented 6 months ago

Auto-organisation - Atelier - Laisser les équipes se constituer - avec JC Grosjean - Scrum Life 81

stephane-klein commented 6 months ago

Page 166 du livre "Essential Scrum"


stephane-klein commented 6 months ago

Page 174 du livre "Essential Scrum"


stephane-klein commented 6 months ago

Page 196 du livre "Essential Scrum"

Capture d’écran du 2024-03-20 18-18-50

stephane-klein commented 6 months ago

Page 198 du livre "Essential Scrum" :


Team members self-organize to determine the best way to accomplish the sprint goal. There is no project manager or other manager who tells the team how to do its work (and a ScrumMaster should never presume to). Self-organization is a bottom-up, emergent property of the system there is no external dominating force applying traditional top-down, command-and-control management.

Let me illustrate with an example. Where 1 live in Colorado, there is a pond at the entrance of my subdivision. Over the winter a flock of Canada geese comes and roosts there. So each year we have a couple of hundred geese that simultaneously make a big mess and are pretty to look at. Now, Talso have two dogs named Letti and Toast. Normally they stay inside the fenced backyard. Occasionally we let them roam free outside the fence, and if they see the geese by the pond, they run down to greet them. I don't think they would hurt the geese, but when they see Letti and Toast coming, the geese decide to cede the pond to them for a while, so they take off en masse.

Did you ever wonder when birds take off how it is that they know to form their characteristic V pattern (flocking pattern)? Do you think there is a “manager bird,” with a flipchart, down at my pond that calls a meeting to instruct the birds on how to flock (see Figure 11.3)?

stephane-klein commented 6 months ago

Page 226 du livre "Essential Scrum" :


stephane-klein commented 6 months ago

Page 226 :


stephane-klein commented 6 months ago

Self-Management de Less Frawework.

stephane-klein commented 6 months ago

Agile Teams du Framework SAFe :

Agile teams are self-organizing and self-managing and are accountable for delivering results that meet the needs and expectations of their customers and stakeholders.

stephane-klein commented 6 months ago

stephane-klein commented 6 months ago

ChatGPT :

  • Leader : Le leadership repose souvent davantage sur l'influence et l'inspiration que sur l'autorité formelle. Les leaders peuvent émerger à tous les niveaux de l'organisation et obtenir le soutien de leurs pairs grâce à leur charisme et à leur capacité à susciter l'adhésion.
  • Manager : Les managers exercent généralement leur autorité en fonction de leur position hiérarchique dans l'organisation. Leur autorité découle souvent de leur titre ou de leur rôle défini dans la structure organisationnelle.