stephane / libmodbus

A Modbus library for Linux, Mac OS, FreeBSD and Windows
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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My application crashes sometimes when using modbus (overrun of a stack-based buffer ) #700

Closed ottelo9 closed 1 year ago

ottelo9 commented 1 year ago

Please read the following carefully before submitting this new issue.

libmodbus version

OS and/or distribution

Windows 10 LTSC 2021 x64


Intel CPU, 64Bit



Actual behavior if applicable

My Win32 Application (build with Labwindows/CVI 17) runs very fine without any problems. Am actually testing my modbus communcation and a externally Modbus Master sends requests every 10s to my Client with my application. (read register 3x). Without the modbus request the software runs without problems forever. But now after few days the software silently quits without any message. Only if I look into the windows event log under Application then I can find a error.

Faulting application name: HyF5674.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x645cf829
Faulting module name: modbus.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x618a8f83
Exception code: 0xc0000409
Fault offset: 0x00005c3a
Faulting process id: 0x52c
Faulting application start time: 0x01d98412efd47039
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\BBS\HyF5674\HyF5674.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Program Files (x86)\BBS\HyF5674\modbus.dll
Report Id: 3554d328-4819-406b-97f5-6eca655eac66
Faulting package full name: 
Faulting package-relative application ID: 

Expected behavior or suggestion


Steps to reproduce the behavior (commands or source code)

Connect a Modbus Master and send "read register 3x" commands to the client with modbus.dll application. After some time (days) the program with modbus.dll quits silenty.

libmodbus output with debug mode enabled

I will enable it!

ottelo9 commented 1 year ago

I've compiled the newest version and until now nothing crashes anymore ...

Reade2Use dlls:

ottelo9 commented 1 year ago

Ok after few weeks of usage the same error appears again. How can I debug this?

Informations from AppCrashView.exe: 2023-06-22 08_04_06-Crashes List 2023-06-22 08_03_46-Crashes List

Exception Code: 0xc0000409 Exception Code Description: The system detected an overrun of a stack-based buffer in this application. This overrun could potentially allow a malicious user to gain control of this application.

Fault Module Name: modbus.dll Fault Module Version:

ottelo9 commented 1 year ago

ottelo9 commented 1 year ago

I found the part where my program crashes via a crash dump file. Its inside modbus_reply

        int mapping_address = address - mb_mapping->start_registers;

        if (mapping_address < 0 || mapping_address >= mb_mapping->nb_registers) {
            rsp_length =
                                   "Illegal data address 0x%0X in write_register\n",
        } else {
            int data = (req[offset + 3] << 8) + req[offset + 4];

            mb_mapping->tab_registers[mapping_address] = data;
            memcpy(rsp, req, req_length);     <--- buffer overflow !!!
            rsp_length = req_length;
    } break;

memcpy(rsp, req, req_length); rsp = uint8_t rsp[260]; req = NULL req_length = 122404592

My application:

int CVICALLBACK threadFctModbus ( void *functionData )
  int rc, iUsedBackend;

  iUsedBackend = *(int *)functionData;

  while (mbFlagRunning)
          //this function is polling for new data!!!! So it hangs here
          rc = modbus_receive(mbCtx, mbQuery);
        while (rc == 0);

        //for Master Request Status LED
        mbTimeStamp = Timer();

        rc = modbus_reply(mbCtx, mbQuery, rc, mbMap);
        if (rc == -1)
          //return -1;

  return 0;
}/* threadFctModbus */

In my case this error occurs: modbus_receive() returns with rc = 122404592 and mbQuery = NULL I put mbQuery and rc inside modbus_reply() without any check. I thought that would be intercepted in the function already but no! I dont know why, but I always catch those things at the beginning of each function.

ottelo9 commented 1 year ago

Check for NULL pointer solve the problem:

  while (mbFlagRunning)
      //this function is polling for new data!!!! So it hangs here
      rc = modbus_receive(mbCtx, mbQuery);
    while (rc == 0);

    //error handling
    if ((rc > 0) && (rc < MODBUS_MAX_ADU_LENGTH) && (mbQuery != NULL))
      //for Master Request Status LED
      mbTimeStamp = Timer();

      rc = modbus_reply(mbCtx, mbQuery, rc, mbMap);