stephane / modbusino

Small Modbus slave, RTU (serial) for Arduino
ISC License
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Reply from non requested slave #23

Open DamianPe opened 1 year ago

DamianPe commented 1 year ago


I'm trying to use Modbusino in attiny402 project. It consists of several slaves controlled by (for now) a PC master. Everything works fine when tere is only one slave on the bus and it is addressed. Issue atarts when I try to provide (on purpose) wrong, non-existing slave ID. Then non addressed slave send some weird response. Sample request: [20][03][00][00][00][0A][C3][7C]. Sample (wrong) answer from slave: [21][80][01][81][CA][21][8A][01][87][6A] (sometimes only one or two bytes as response). Clearly visible that request was sent to ID 0x20 and response comes from ID 0x21 (an error to function 00...).

I saw previous issue #7 - I already use patched version.

Arduino 1.8.19, target IC attiny402/804. RS485 biased and terminators at both ends.

BTW, I already changed to _MODBUSINO_RTU_MAX_ADU_LENGTH 30 as tiny402 has 256B (I only need 10 registers) of RAM and declared req[_MODBUSINO_RTU_MAX_ADU_LENGTH] as static, otherwise I had memory leaks and some random data sent.

What can be an issue? May it be a memory leakage somewhere else due to really small RAM resources?
