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Store articles offline #46

Open MrDrMcCoy opened 10 years ago

MrDrMcCoy commented 10 years ago

All to often, I search for an older article in my RSS reader that I want to reference or share, only to find that the link is dead and the original article is no longer available on the source site. It would be super extra awesome to have the ability to save articles offline, possibly via wallabag. Having a button at the bottom of every article that will add the article to wallabag would be sufficient, but being able to set a rule to do this automatically on a folder, tag or everything would be even better. More amazing still would be to have the ability to switch between the wallabag view and the ordinary RSS view for articles that are saved in wallabag, without navigating to another page.

Of course, the real goal is to just have an offline copy of articles along with their relevant image assets. This could be accomplished without wallabag. Thoughts?