stephaneey / azure-apim-extension

Full Azure API Management suite and more VSTS extension
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Create or Update Product: APIM Consumption plan doesn't have groups. #115

Open Ozzian opened 3 years ago

Ozzian commented 3 years ago


I really much love this tool. We use APIM from the consumption plan, and the latest addition allowing us to use xml-artifacts to fill in the policies has been a blast!

Now, we tried to fork the policies using Products. The problem is that the groups are not part of the consumption tier products, meaning that the task fails with it.

getting existing groups***/resourceGroups/MY-RESOURCEGROUP/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/***/groups?api-version=2017-03-01&$filter=(name%20eq%20'')

creating group 

##[error]The remote server returned an error: (405) Method Not Allowed.

Can we skip the group-creation step?