stephaneey / azure-apim-extension

Full Azure API Management suite and more VSTS extension
MIT License
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Installation error version conflict #20

Closed protac1 closed 6 years ago

protac1 commented 6 years ago

I am getting this error installing this extension: All the task versions belonging to Contribution apim should have the same task id. The tasks at apim/v1/task.json (version 1.0.7) and apimversioned/v1/task.json (version 1.0.3) do not have the same ids.

stephaneey commented 6 years ago


If you only stick to installing the extension from the market place, you shouldn't end up in such a situation. If you have downloaded the extension and installed it separately and then tried to re-install it from the marketplace, you might indeed encounter some issues.

Best Regards

bhdg-ops commented 6 years ago

This was in install from Marketplace that resulted in the error, however, I have found an workable alternative. Thanks.