stephaneey / azure-apim-extension

Full Azure API Management suite and more VSTS extension
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Ability to import swagger for existing API and create a new revision from it #46

Closed R-Lamberson closed 4 years ago

R-Lamberson commented 5 years ago

Looking for the ability to create a revision to an existing api during the import of the swagger either by setting a specific revision number or allowing it to auto generate

rndthoughts commented 5 years ago

I was looking at this too, but my understanding is that you can't create a revision from a swagger definition.

stephaneey commented 4 years ago

Hello @R-Lamberson @rndthoughts ,

Indeed, you can't create new revisions while importing. The sequence is:

So, I'll work on making this transparently. I'll add a checkbox "Create new revision" which when checked will first create a revision and then import the OpenAPI definition. If unchecked, it will behave like today, meaning overwriting the current revision.

Stay tuned!

Best Regards

stephaneey commented 4 years ago

Currently in preview