Add a release step "API Management - Create or update product"
In the textbox "Product" configure the value "ProductNameValue"
In the textbox "Display name" configure the value "ProductDisplayNameValue"
Add a release step "API Management - Create or Update API"
Configure this step with the checkbox "Product created by previous task" enabled
If you run this setup, the "API Management - Create or Update API" release step will fail because it tries to find the product based on the display name instead of the value in the "Product" textbox:
../providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/[api management name]/products/ProductDisplayNameValue/apis/...
If you run this setup, the "API Management - Create or Update API" release step will fail because it tries to find the product based on the display name instead of the value in the "Product" textbox: ../providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/[api management name]/products/ProductDisplayNameValue/apis/...