Open ksarmalkar opened 10 years ago
I am having the same issue. Gradle is complaining it "Could not find" but I am using the support library with no issues in my project prior to this like.
This works for me with Android Studio 1.0.1
apply plugin: 'findbugs'
// android configuration
findbugs {
sourceSets = []
ignoreFailures = true
task findbugs(type: FindBugs, dependsOn: assembleDebug) {
description 'Run findbugs'
group 'verification'
classes = fileTree('build/intermediates/classes/debug/')
source = fileTree('src/main/java')
classpath = files()
effort = 'max'
excludeFilter = file("./config/findbugs/exclude.xml")
reports {
xml.enabled = true
html.enabled = false
check.doLast {
For me the findbugs configuration specifically this line
classpath = files( project.configurations.compile.asPath )
is causing issues, I'm trying with android gradle plugin v0.8+ and gradle v1.10