stephanenicolas / afterburner

A library to help other librairies getting rid of boiler plate via byte code manipulation. Works on Android too.
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Is there a way to modify the android button method #4

Open XuNeal opened 9 years ago

XuNeal commented 9 years ago

I want to append some mark When the developer calls some method, like setOnClickListener, but I get a exception:javassist.NotFoundException: C:\Users\xyz\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-21\android.jar.

My code:

 AfterBurner afterBurner = new AfterBurner();

            ClassPool classPool = new ClassPool(ClassPool.getDefault());
            afterBurner.addOrInsertMethod(new InsertableMethod(classPool.get(Button.class.getName())) {

                public String getFullMethod() throws AfterBurnerImpossibleException {
                    return "public void mark() { ___BODY___ }";

                public String getBody() throws AfterBurnerImpossibleException {
                    String body = "android.util.Log.d(\"AfterBurner Demo\", \""
                            + "set click listener"
                            + " [\" + System.identityHashCode(this) + \"] \u27F3 "
                            + "\");";
                    return body;

                public String getTargetMethodName() throws AfterBurnerImpossibleException {
                    return "mark";

                public String getInsertionAfterMethod() {
                    return "setOnClickListener";
stephanenicolas commented 9 years ago

You should not do it this way. What you say actually is that you want to add some code after a call to setOnClickListener inside the mark method. And if the method mark doesn't exist, then create a new one.

For instance, it would need a class with a method like :

public void mark() { setOnClickMethod(); //the body you define would go here }

But I guess what you want is to log something is more :

It would give something like :

builder .insertIntoClass(classToInsertInto) .inMethodIfExists("setOnClickListener") .afterACallTo("setOnClickListener") .withBody(body) //here you log .elseCreateMethodIfNotExists(fullMethod) //here you must create a setOnClickListener method .doIt();

Or without a builder :

afterBurner.addOrInsertMethod(new InsertableMethod(classPool.get(Button.class.getName())) {

            public String getFullMethod() throws

AfterBurnerImpossibleException { return "public void setOnclickListener() { _BODY_ }"; }

            public String getBody() throws AfterBurnerImpossibleException {
                String body = "super.onClickListener($1);"
               + "android.util.Log.d(\"AfterBurner Demo\", \""

                        + "set click listener"
                        + " [\" + System.identityHashCode(this) +

\"] \u27F3 "

            public String getTargetMethodName() throws

AfterBurnerImpossibleException { return "setOnClickListener"; }

            public String getInsertionAfterMethod() {
                return "setOnClickListener";

That should work.


2015-01-17 19:07 GMT-05:00 XuNeal

I want to append some mark When the developer calls some method, like setOnClickListener, but I get a exception:javassist.NotFoundException: C:\Users\xyz\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-21\android.jar.

My code:

AfterBurner afterBurner = new AfterBurner();

        ClassPool classPool = new ClassPool(ClassPool.getDefault());
        afterBurner.addOrInsertMethod(new InsertableMethod(classPool.get(Button.class.getName())) {

            public String getFullMethod() throws AfterBurnerImpossibleException {
                return "public void mark() { ___BODY___ }";

            public String getBody() throws AfterBurnerImpossibleException {
                String body = "android.util.Log.d(\"AfterBurner Demo\", \""
                        + "set click listener"
                        + " [\" + System.identityHashCode(this) + \"] \u27F3 "
                        + "\");";
                return body;

            public String getTargetMethodName() throws AfterBurnerImpossibleException {
                return "mark";

            public String getInsertionAfterMethod() {
                return "setOnClickListener";

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XuNeal commented 9 years ago

thanks for so long comment

what i really want to do is

  1. add a mark() method to the android.widget.Button
  2. modify the android.widget.Button.setOnclickListener method like this
void setOnClicklistener(OnClickListener listener) {
   // exist code

And the frist problem is classPool.get(Button.class.getName()) throw javassist.NotFoundException. The Button is one of android framwork class, not my defined by me, I want to know is it possible to modify a class of android framework.
