stephanenicolas / toothpick

A scope tree based Dependency Injection (DI) library for Java / Kotlin / Android.
Apache License 2.0
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Bind classes which depends on each other in a subscope [QUESTION] #419

Open imrepapp opened 4 years ago

imrepapp commented 4 years ago


when I try to add two bindings in a subscope which depends on each other the injection does not work. (it works if I add them to the rootScope)

What did I miss?


    .openSubScope(SUB_SCOPE) //if remove this line it is working
        module {


interface Foo {
    val text: String

//@InjectConstructor //didn't help
class FooProvider: Provider<Foo> {
    override fun get() = object : Foo {
        override val text: String = "Foo"

interface Bar {
    val fooInstance: Foo

class BarProvider(
    val injectedFoo: Foo
): Provider<Bar> {
    override fun get() = object : Bar {
        override val fooInstance: Foo = injectedFoo

RuntimeException: toothpick.locators.NoFactoryFoundException: No factory could be found for class com.example.Foo. Check that the class has either a @Inject annotated constructor or contains @Inject annotated members. Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.example.Foo__Factory